

Building off some of the other responses to your question I'd say… a) Cal didn't know how to get Skye to her mother, so he didn't want to use her as a bargaining chip he couldn't deliver on and b) depending on how bad the circumstances of their parting was (Jiaying basically said she walked away from a drug-addled

Well, Cal and his wife (ex wife?) had parted ways years ago - by all likelihood he'd had no contact with her since they parted, so he might not have known she was in charge at the Inhuman compound. Wherever it is, it doesn't appear to be connected to the village they lived in when they were together, pre-Skye's

I actually kind of thought that I saw a furtive "we're maybe hiding something" moment between Cal & Jiaying with the way they kept emphasizing 1988 and the age as 26. Not sure.

Well I know they'll be connected in some way - what I'm just not sure about is how they'll structure the connection.

Has anything been said about how SHIELD and Age of Ultron are going to sync up on the timelines? They had two times where it was potentially an issue that the show could spoil the movies last season - in a very minor way after Thor's movie, and then in a much bigger scope after Winter Soldier.

Given that Craig had never seen an ocean before, and that the water they were on was pretty much nothing like their experience would have been in a rowboat on the actual Atlantic Ocean.. I get the feeling he was just being hyperbolic.

It seems that in your case, a dream deferred is a dream denied. The CW has already confirmed The 100 will be back for a third season.

That version of Knocking On Heavens Door at the end was awesome. At least I thought so.

It was recently brought to my attention that AV Club's policy is to rate the show against itself - IE the review is more of this episode against TWD than it is as an hour of television.

"We just added a whole new town of strangers. Who knows if any of them are going to matter."

I think Clarke actually stated their force at the doorway was a distraction/diversion.

I generally roll my eyes at "if you don't like it don't watch" defensive responses, which is why I feel a bit silly being the one to ask this… why DO you watch the show?

Yeah. And she also has Lincoln as anecdotal evidence that detoxing the Reapers doesn't necessarily "fix" them, assuming that she knows about his relapse/near betrayal. She could theoretically be weighing the scales and deciding that the ones already claimed by Reapers are a lost cause.

In positive news though, it would seem likelier that Lexa is going to survive the season finale despite the actress' new role on the Walking Dead spinoff. So maybe there's a chance that Lexa - in a diminished role - will be back for S3!

Don't know if it's been stated - my big issue with Lexa's betrayal is that it wouldn't seem to address the Reaper issue.

I get the impression that their operation is kind of a boutique organ harvesting mill for the rich, famous & vain - who probably don't want mismatched eyes and would be just as likely to replace one good eye along with the bad one in your scenario.

Oh yeah, granted, the show's completely flawed. I was just addressing the logic of Fish and her eye.

I think Fish gouging her eye out was supposed to be symbolic of the "scorched earth" techniques the prisoners in the basement were willing to take if their demands weren't met. The middle manager fellow had been threatening that he was going to take both her eyes last episode for their organ harvesting program, so she

He's in the first season, after the Unity Day explosions/the old Chancellor stealing the Exodus ship. Then a few sprinkled cameos since then. Very small role really.