
Random question - how old would we say Wick is supposed to be?

Don't know if anyone has mentioned it, but would that "you were born for this. Like I was" comment from Lexa to Clarke imply that she was discovered as the reincarnation of The Commander from birth?

I'm actually putting pretty serious odds on the possibility that fairly innocent people are going to get killed by the assault on Mt. Weather just from exposure to radiation or the Grounder army not having qualms about assigning guilt by association.

Having seen both episodes, I actually kind of get what the reviewers are saying. TWD's kiss really (to me) looked like it was shot in a way that was expected to make some kind of statement. Granted, an affirmative statement and not one that doesn't deserve to be made. But I definitely got a sense that the kiss was

I had assumed it was some kind of military training ground or something, on account of the minefield had a sign and (I would think) you don't generally warn an invading army that they're possibly stepping on trapped ground.

Yeah I don't want to speak for a demographic group I'm not a part of, but I would think it would be refreshing for LGBT viewers to see characters whose sexuality isn't used as their defining traits. The matter-of-fact way that The 100 has presented it, and the fact that no characters have been "confused" or upset

In the first season the acid fog was able to reach the dropship where The 100 were staying. I found a transcript of the pilot episode, in which Clarke said that the dropship was a 20 mile hike from Mt. Weather.

I was thinking last night - when you think back on the show's sex scenes… of which definitive "yeah-these-named-characters-had-sex" moments there have only been 4 - 5 (if you count Lincoln/Octavia on the bearskin rug in the cave), Raven has been in the majority of them (Raven/Finn, Raven/Bellamy, Raven/Wick).

While I totally get your mindset, I think continuing to watch Sleepy Hollow is going to become a "do I have anything better to do at X pm on Y Day Of Week" arrangement.

I'm torn on this episode. On the one hand, I don't know that I think it was ever part of the original planned story arc of the season - a LOT of content from the second half of the season screamed to me of the Writer's Room trying to make a course correction to respond to things the fanbase obviously didn't like.

…Considering I've been to Coney Island (I don't recommend it) I can't believe I didn't think of that.

Well, one of us will have to be right! Hopefully if you're right they don't approach it with some hamfisted attempt to make Clarke "The Commander" should Lexa die.

I used to try to watch the intro credits to try to pick up clues on the geography of The 100. They show the Ark's crash-site, Mt. Weather, the Dead Zone, etc.

Re: the lack of character deaths - counterpoint being that if this was most other network shows… would you have held even the slightest suspicion that any of those characters COULD die? Meaning the scenario would lose any possible edge to it. The 100 at least keeps you guessing.

In the episode prior to this one, Bellamy flooded the level the Ark kids were on with radiation from the outside.

Yeah they did. Which reinforces my thinking - why is Katrina using this time to make sure Ichabod dies, when she's already got her effective do-over?

I just wouldn't suggest getting emotionally invested.

I know other people have mentioned it - but I don't know that I necessarily see the Ark/Grounders/Mt. Weather war as being a rehashing of old storylines. To me it reads as a sort of overarcing commentary on human nature.

I try not to get bothered by the letter grade, because I realize that criticism is inherently subjective and Kyle might honestly have watched this episode and felt it was a B to him.

You might like the book "Sand" by Hugh Howey. Or "Wool," which is a kind of similar premise.