
Four - six (not positive, but the show keeps a frenetic pace so it's in that range) months ago in the show's timeline Clarke handed Raven's first/only love (Finn, who I don't miss at all) over to the Grounders to be executed over Raven's objections. Then she actually killed him herself while Raven watched.

…You mean when they stopped making episodes after the second season finale? I wish they'd kept reviewing headcanon too, because god knows I have tons of that stuff.

It's not a "cure," it's recovery from drug abuse. Clarke/Abbie/The Ark provided Lexa with a process for detoxing the Reapers from their addiction to Red. It's the entire basis of the initial peace between the Ark and the Grounders (well, Finn's death too). Of course, with Lincoln as a test case it was shown to be a

As The 100 (48? 43?) returns, so do I! Lovely to see familiar names in the comments so much later. Sadly I won't be able to dialog with you all as much due to new work conditions. I'm sure you're devastated. Is devastated the word?

Stupid Betsy Ross Question: Isn't Ichabod married to or at least seriously emotionally involved with Katrina during the time periods of his flashbacks? Didn't they establish she was the one who persuaded him to join the Revolution?

What's a good word for when you feel shame and pride all at once?

I think the most annoying thing they did for me was when they cast Manny's real-life sister, who had played Craig's Degrassi half-sister, as a completely original character unrelated to either of them.

Not Heather Sinclair?

Glad to oblige. It has me feeling nostalgic myself.

I wanted it to work out if only because Ellie was literally the saddest puppy who NEVER got what she wanted at any other point in the show. But given what a toxic human being Craig was, your dream might be the healthier one.

I think it was when Craig came back hooked on coke.

Spike hasn't appeared in years, but Snake still pops up - I think his actor actually has a producer credit, but I may be mistaken there.

…Woah, I spotted the other three but never recognized him. Huh.

There were at least three RFR cast members with at least one Degrassi episode. And the fact that I can tell you their roles without checking really makes me question my life choices.

Remember the time she pissed herself?

…I've actually missed this entire season of Orphan Black. I think at this point I just have to wait for it on Netflix or something.

That's Spinner's Asian sister.

Yeah, I would not have called that one.

I'm pretty sure Sean Cameron died in Afghanistan.

I'll be honest. I do actually love Degrassi in a "god this is trash" kind of way. Such that I've seen every episode, and love creating detailed, possibly overcomplicated, headcanon over things I see.