
I'm really weirded out when I see pictures of her outside of the show - with makeup (I'm sure she's wearing makeup even on the show but like, MAKEUP makeup) and her hair done she looks like a different human being.

Agreed, I was surprised by that too. She seems pretty "high priority" so you'd think she would have had one of the first doses.

I noticed them leaving Harper alone too. My best headcanon guess is that she didn't have enough to harvest to be worth the time for the treatment - their work with her previously had been about developing the procedure, so SHE gets the pass of needing to regenerate enough marrow for a few more doses.

You made this point last week.

I was speaking mostly from the perspective of the Grounders - regardless of any perceived right/wrong or good/evil (which I think The 100 does a fantastic job illustrating doesn't exist in anything resembling a clear-cut case for any of the factions) when using the "more dangerous" argument. Because if you're a

Also worth considering that Mt. Weather has hundreds of Grounders held in cages, some more (hard to guess the number but could be hundreds more) turned in to Reapers, and adding it up over the last fifty years have probably taken thousands more.

I like Raven - although granted, given your username and posting history, not nearly as much as you.

Grounders have been shown riding horses several times going back to the first season. I can cite specific instances, but maybe you just made a typo and meant Ark survivors?

Possibly. It didn't "feel" that way to me, but something must have happened to create at least a small bridge of time.

Maybe the changes to the writing room for Season 2 brought in people who don't care as much about/for her character (nothing about the actress).

I think culturally, the Ark and Mt. Weather are much more similar than the Ark & Grounders. Mt Weather probably thinks of the Grounders in a manner similar to how early settlers viewed Native Americans - to be used for resources until they're in the way. The Ark is more like a cousin you haven't seen for a long time.

I don't like Maya's character for some reason. I don't think she's playing both sides or anything like that, but something about her just sits wrong with me.

I wouldn't say any of the factions are especially altruistic. They're all using one another to get something.

7 hours total (MD to NY, then back again the same day). I only actually watched about the first five episodes though - I'm not great with marathoning.

Bellamy has come very far as a character - I was watching the first season on the train yesterday and I was kind of surprised by how different he was.

Personally I think the time in Mt. Weather was absolutely necessary, to make the Mountain Men fit in The 100's general "approach" - the idea that nobody/no group is absolutely good or absolutely bad, and often their actions are going to be viewed on different ends of that spectrum by different people within the show's

Yeah, I'm kind of thinking of Red as being a SciFi amalgamation of every "scary news story about someone doing something inhuman while high on X drug" substance in the world. Meth, bath salts, PCP, that super gross flesh eating drug in Russia, etc.

Fair enough. But as far as I'm concerned, just because they can, doesn't mean they should.

One thing I'm really curious about in the canon of The 100 is exactly how far in the future they are. The technology they use on the Ark seems to be maybe a half-step more advanced than what we have today.

Out of curiosity, is that headcanon (it does make sense, if so), or is that actually stated somewhere in the show/writer interview type thing?