
Good point - although I think even in that the requirement is conversationally/operationally fluent vs. truly fluent.

I'm not really a chemist or what have you, but I doubt drawing blood to study trace amounts of a drug still in Lincoln's system would have possibly produced something on the level of an opiate blocker. Definitely not in the timeframe of a few days/maybe a few weeks that they were using on the show.

Unfortunately I was watching the episode with a pretty low volume - I'd have to check it on the DVR, but I think the (badly formed) plan WAS for Lincoln to intentionally cause a scene.

I was wondering about that myself - Lexa just wasn't very clear about it, but I've seen "rebirth" type mythology shown both ways.

Although Continuum and The 100 are both filmed in Canada (Vancouver area I think), whereas the last rumor I heard is the spinoff is set in the LA-area (although they might film elsewhere). So it's a bit more geographically complicated.

Lincoln did say in the beginning of the Season that English is the language of the warrior caste - soldiers are taught it in their apprenticeship, but it's not universal. He also mentioned at the beginning of this episode that the first time he met a Sky Person was when he was a child and he didn't know English at the

The creator did actually wink-nod confirm that hashta derives pretty directly from #hashtag, I believe.

I considered that (one of the Sky People "inheriting" Lexa's spirit if she does die), but I feel like the show has generally been more subversive with expectations than to do that. They also haven't really detailed the Grounders system for determining who inherits the spirit - could an adult/teenager actually become

I'm wondering about the beginning of the episode, where Lincoln told the anecdote about finding an Ark person when he was a child and his father making him kill him - saying something about how the "world has been trying to make me a monster" since he was born?

But on the lighter side - am I the only one who thought they saw a little
bit of a disappointed eyeroll from Bellamy that he was selected for
Harvest vs Cerberus? Considering it's an on-the-spot physical evaluation
using an eye test - and the general consensus seems to be that Bellamy
Blake passes the eye test - must

Good episode. The one thing I'm kind of on the fence about - the new characterization
of the Reapers. I got them much more as savage lunatics with the minimum base of psychological control from Mt. Weather. But now they seem to be suggesting they really aren't so different from the Grounders after all - they can still

I'd be surprised if the writers don't already know that bone marrow regenerates. The impression I got was that they're saying that Mt. Weather's scientists are simply too impatient to wait through multiple cycles of harvesting the bone marrow humanely so the kids stay alive and they get the amount of marrow they need

I'm vaguely concerned they might have built in that "I'll be reincarnated" snippet to make that a part of next season - kill Lexa and then find her spiritual successor.

The Grounders actually have a full language system developed by the linguist who did stuff for Game of Thrones. He has a Tumblr and has been translating worlds/phrases on request for a while now - http://dedalvs.tumblr.com/t… - although if you have a good eye for understanding how languages work, he's also put

I think the freakishly large skull and footprints were back in S1. In the first episode of this season we did see a very mutated man lurking in the background of the woods/river - hopefully that comes into it soon too!

I actually enjoy Max being horrible with people in a "how does no one punch this kid" kind of way - although the Dylan storyline was not cool at all - but it always gets my goat when you put AKM in a scene together.

They have sort of handwaved Ichabod's ability to always recognize a demon from a vague description as being a result of a photographic memory, I believe. Which they apply in the TV magic sense of "I read something once really quickly and as a result will always have it at immediate recall as needed."

That John Noble wasn't abandoned by his mother as an infant, except eventually it turns out he actually IS the John Noble who was abandoned by his mother from the main universe.

Oh, agreed - I'm not necessarily advocating a need to do such a thing. The show can be fixed in small ways, you don't necessarily need to throw the baby out with the bathwater here.

Yeah, Sleepy Hollow's FX department has always felt really weak to me. Like they've always wanted to do something big-budget that they just come up short for, and rather than scrapping it they go with the cheap (cost & look wise) version of that.