
Honest Question For The Audience:

I did, as I've watched every episode of the series so far. But per above by the end of this episode as a summation of the season as a whole, I couldn't really sensibly explain why I did so.

Also I have a creeping feeling from the end of the last episode that the writers are possibly trying to pivot Katrina's character to "evil (or at least Chaotic Neutral/Lawful Evil) all along!"

Lumpy Oatmeal That Is At Least Warm.

My impression was that Max already knows Hank has Asperger's. They did a few scenes earlier in the season (if I remember correctly) where Max would try to teach Hank to utilize some of his coping techniques, etc.

"How do you measure a good Parenthood episode?"

I find I generally just stick to the dialogue options that align to being "good." I think I'm just conditioned by videogames into being the virtuous hero (the "paragon," I guess) that it's my default setting.

The best way to watch PLL is to watch the current episodes for anything that constitutes a "Big Reveal," and then go back and watch the entire series from the very beginning looking for any insinuation that said Big Reveal was planned and not just made up on the spot.

Yeah, I remember at the time not being surprised at all that The 100 was playing an Imagine Dragons song in the pilot episode, because "it's the CW so of course it is."

At the moment I only watch The 100, but yeah - the stigma against the network and the shows on it is really a shame.

Not that anyone is bound to my opinions, but The 100 is really criminally underwatched. And while I'm excited that it was renewed for Season 3, I'm kind of bummed it was ever broadly viewed as a bubble show.

I'm probably a bit late for the discussion… but I was kind of uncomfortable with Gotham's use of the mentally ill as comedic interlude in that interview section. Very point-and-laugh-at-sick-people-esque.

Interesting question - I think the easy answer is that the show is arguing that all religions are at least a little right, but mostly wrong.

Oh, from a lecherous pandering producer standpoint I'm sure you're right. I'd be lying if I didn't admit that I recognize the woman who plays Katrina is hot. But let's be honest, it's not like they had her especially covered up in her "historical" garb anyways.

I don't want to get theological, really. But the questions about God opened up a can of worms. Sleepy Hollow (per Orion) seems to ascribe a kind of universal "all"-ness to the creator. I can't remember what Orion said specifically, but it was something about there being no words to describe what/how encompassing the

I agree with you - the Ark survivors have really made surprisingly little effort to understand the Grounders or anything about their culture. Of course most of their encounters have been violent, but even the word "Grounder" was assigned to them by the Ark (although I think Mt. Weather picked it up too) - I doubt it's

Ah, I see. I don't know the show so I can't say there isn't something I'm missing, but speaking personally I like the idea of a gay character whose identity isn't tied up in -being- "The Gay Character." Very often it feels (to me) that gay characters are introduced to a show in minor roles as impetus for main cast to

We likely only saw a very condensed, incomplete bit of Reaper indoctrination/conditioning. There was the scene where Lincoln and another Grounder had to fight/kill one another over one of the vials of drugs in Mt. Weather, for instance. But I doubt he had "graduated" from the Cerberus program when Octavia and Bellamy

I don't get the reference - what was the problem there?

….I swear I'll try to be brief and only elaborate if asked further opinions about anything else. All of this is headcanon and some of it theorycrafted on the spot.