
Interesting. I'll be curious to see how they do it.

…I should check this out!

Fair enough - I personally think the show's merits in storytelling are such that one criteria (the presence/lack thereof of an openly acknowledged gay character) shouldn't be the reason to watch or not watch it.

I'm pretty sure there's a solid contingent of "Bellamy will comfort Clarke!" hopefuls now.

Whenever I watch The 100 I always end up hearing the intro sequence from the Fallout games in my head.

Specifically to your question - no character has (as far as I can recall) openly acknowledged being on the LGBTetc spectrum.

Abby throws up her hands in disgust. "Teengages, amirite? If they're not sneaking off to have sex, they're mercy killing their boyfriends before they get tortured for mass murder."

Oh, and because I can't resist the urge to pick on the thing that bugs me with an episode… the adults really seem to be asleep on the job with figuring out how the kids are getting out of the camp/around the electrified fence with ease.

I'm not sure how Raven's going to react to what Clarke did either. You have to imagine that the rational part of her brain will need to accept that killing Lexa was just going to get Clarke killed and wouldn't have saved Finn.

Beautiful episode. I know some people in the comments have been saying that Finn was ruined for them because of the slaughter, but I always took a more holistic approach - that action is part of who he is and needs to be held against him in understanding, but it's not the total sum of who he is. He's also (as

I actually didn't read the "Lexa Knew" angle to that exchange, but now that you've mentioned it, I can really see it.

A sidestory of an earlier episode of the season was Raven being given a leg brace designed by a friend from Engineering. She's supposedly since "enhanced" it to improve her mobility to the point that she's doing cross-country hikes up mountains.

I… kind of can't disagree with what you've written enough. I'm not even going to get into the slaughter part of it, honestly, because that's a dull conversation.

100%. There were a few episodes were commenters were getting pissed that it was pulling B's, actually. Being as ratings are subjective (so far as I'm aware - I don't think AV Club has any kind of metric they have to use) I don't get worried about it myself… although I'm stuck wondering how this rated under

Yesssss. This is 100% it. Zero chance the writers were trying to tell us as viewers that what Finn did wasn't a big deal.

That passed my mind for an 8th of a second, actually. But the way I see it, no way the Grounders cut him down from that post until they're 100% sure he's dead.

First episode you've seen of the 100, ever? Brave soul, getting into a show midway through the second season!

I heard once, although I've never verified it, that some of the Writer's Room for The 100 comes from previous Whedon projects (I think the one I heard specifically mentioned was Dollhouse).

Beginning of the season Lexa's people saw Lincoln get taken by Reapers. I'd guess the assumption there is either a) you disappear forever (the ones who get turned into blood donors) or b) you get turned into a Reaper. So Clarke telling them that's what happened when making her pitch was plausible to them.

I tend to think of "underrated" as a show that's generally disparaged critically despite a personal enjoyment. I find anyone you can actually get to sit down and watch The 100 tends to come away impressed with what they've done.