Otto Pilot

18 candidates looking for book deals and shows on Fox News.

Just adapt the Spiderverse storyline, dozens of Spider-men and women, monkey, pig, whatever.

I saw Jurassic World on Friday. It was good, better than I thought it would be actually. While it can't compare to the original it's certainly better than the other sequels. Pratt and Howard were good, the kids weren't terrible, the whole movie was really well paced, and the cgi was generally good. Only problem was a

Equally great is Blue giving Pratt a "we got this" look before fighting the I-Rex.

Nedry leaves the driver side door open, and the Dilo is on the passenger side when it kills him. The passenger door is closed.

I still wonder how the thing got in the jeep.

Which is actually still kinda terrifying.

You mean where he's imitating an Essex accent?

Make a bad decision and hope it becomes a good one?

Where's Barf-Man when you need him!?

The lack of dudebros noisily grunting helps.

"Decepticles! More than you bargained for!"

Oh god a Vader clone would be the worst idea ever.

Well, Arwen and Aragorn are the last in a line of Men and Elves doing the nasty. Dwarves and Elves at the most simply tolerated each other. To have a romance between the two is a real stretch.

But that would get in the way of the snark!

And really, what more do you need?

The timeline would have worked if the Jedi had been in serious decline by the time of the prequels. But no, Lucas needed to clutter up the screen with lightsabers.

Well, Katana looks cool. I guess that's something.

It can be two things.

Please don't make me remember Ultimates 3.