Otto Pilot

They seem to be different people. Maybe cat guy should have been a bit more thorough with his quick google search before his knee-jerk reaction.

I'm guessing they wanted to leave R + L's relationship a little ambiguous. Were they in love? Were they married? Those details are still in the air.

I don't think Jaime is gonna be on her side this time. He didn't look too thrilled during her coronation.

Yeah, dudes in brown and gray killing each other in a confused mess. I can see why garish and bright colors were the norm for armies before the 20th century.

It really felt like the show was setting something up with Ramsey rejecting Jon's challenge in front of the Smalljon, but nope. No conspiracy, no Manderly's, no "The North Remembers"; disappointing.

Gotta get that lucrative blue hedgehog demo.

My fondest memories of Magic involve playing with friends in college late into the night, with plenty of alcohol. I haven't played since, although I have a ill-conceived Myr deck still lying around somewhere.

Sweaty Bearded Dudes: The Movie

Like Young Justice the reason for cancellation was it didn't sell enough action figures.

Bones is still going?

I started binge-watching Sense8, which has been a pleasant surprise. I also strained my back cycling, which wasn't great. So, okay weekend I guess?


CinemaSins was fine when it was just 4 to 6 minutes long, but now it's just 20 minutes of extreme nitpicking and bad jokes.

Remember when Happy Tree Friends was funny? Neither do I.

It's a shame that Natalie Prass' self-titled debut isn't on here, it's really a fantastic album. Bird of Prey and Violently are both excellent songs, especially.

Huh, well now I know. I honestly never would have imagined gluten having anything to do with ham.

I saw a slice of ham marked "gluten-free". Soon bottles of water will be next.

It's both sad and hilarious how people on reddit are getting up in arms about that segment.

I enjoyed Ender's Game and the sequels as a teenager but the movie didn't work for me. It had the same problem as The Giver movie: it looked generic. This is despite both books predating the YA boom. The book also had this great utilitarian, used future vibe to it, like Aliens. The movie instead looked too clean and