Otto Pilot

The single player in both 1 and 2 was just the multiplayer maps with a thin story to tie them together. They were for the kids who had shit internet back then. There's no loss in not including single player, really.

I always try to avoid fire magic when I have a companion. Far too many times they've stepped into the blast and burned themselves to death. Lightning's more satisfying anyway.

Far Cry 3 turned me off when I was trying to innocently hunt down some tapir's for a wallet or something and about 5 jeeps worth of baddies arrived to kill me, twice. Can't a guy poach in peace?

I have too many to even remember. The worst is probably Skyrim. I've restarted that game so many times it's a little embarrassing. The first few hours, when my character actually feels vulnerable, are fun, but eventually the combat becomes dull. Mods help, but they're a double-edged sword because I spend more time

Would the thing even be able to get to Europe? I can't imagine it walking across the ocean so it would have to take a plane, which is a hilarious mental image.

Are you from the future!?

We need to talk, internet!

It all started falling apart once Dr. Mann was introduced. Interstellar wanted to be maybe seven different movies but it never came together in a satisfying way.

In rough descending order.

Honestly Rooster Teeth isn't bad. I remember binge watching HORSE on AH back when I was playing a lot of Halo: Reach, those videos were always entertaining. My problem with RT has more to do with a former roommate who watched their videos every damn day, without headphones, laughing at fucking anything they said. So

Man I hate Chinatown.

The LP's that originated from the Something Awful forums were pretty great, still are really. What has ruined the whole format are the Youtube LP's where the personality of the commentators overwhelms the game being played (see Rooster Teeth, PewDiePie, Yogscast).

PewDiePie represents everything that's bad about Let's Plays, and teenagers fucking love him.

Who asked for this?

Furry? This is a vore fetishist's dream come true.

Damon Albarn. Blur, Gorillaz, his solo work; I love it all. He could write a salsa album and I'd probably like it.

So that's why I failed geometry.

I mean, what makes it a rhombus? Is a square not good enough? Do the angles have significance?

Thanks for the reply.

But do terms like genderqueer or pangender facilitate understanding? A quick Wikipedia search for both terms doesn't exactly explain either very well. I'm not trying to start an argument, I can see these terms are well-intentioned, but to me it just seems like a poor attempt at categorizing individuality because