
Ha ha ha, that was so amazing.

The lead singer has a look that reminds me of James Hetfield. I absolutely love this, thanks for featuring it.

I will never understand why so many people on this site watch stuff that they don't like or don't respect. I like AHS. I have enjoyed all 4 iterations of it that I saw. I haven't seen the 5th season yet.

While I appreciated the link to Hal skating to "We are the Champions" the better one is where he attempts to teach Malcom to skate to the tune of "Funky Town". I was kind of ambivalent on the show until I saw this episode, then I really started to enjoy it.

Oh man, Gymkata would be a fantastic movie for them to riff on.


CHET FISTHAMMER likes the way you post!

Man, you are just living dangerously aren't you? Throwing your lot with one host or the other??? Blasphemy!

Ooooh, has anyone started speculating on what movies will be featured? Think they can afford "Battlefield Earth", or the remake of "The Wicker Man"???

Yeah I think this whole site is an embodiment of the "oh it's obscure, you never heard of it, but it's great!" hipster cliche.

Pfft, at least my comment was about an actual subject and contained an opinion about the article posted.

Pfft, generic, meaningless and artless??

Really? I liked "It Follows" very much but I think it is way too soon to rank it this high. Let's see how you feel about it in 5 years…..

Ugh, no "Insidious"?
No "Sinister"?
No "The Conjuring"?

Is this the potato farm?

Yes…yes you are.

No, that's not what I meant. But what I said was awkward. To clarify:
I mean the onus is on the victim to prove they were victimized, to state and explain how and why they were a victim. In the course of investigating the reported crime, in this case, rape, probing and uncomfortable questions will come up, but they

Disturbing? Why? The burden of proof is on the accuser to prove a crime was committed. That's our justice system and reality. If that disturbs you, I don't know what to tell you. Get over it?

I would be much more sympathetic to individuals who believe they have been victimized by "rape culture" if we could stop with the overreactions and distortions that seem to go along with this unique crime.

Fry’s “death” is one of the central mysteries that needs to be resolved, even if that mystery is entirely on a metal level.