
Crap, you scooped me by 4 minutes. Yeah, Fleming wrote them as bad ass but the movie camped them up as mincing stereotypes.

Written by guest columnist Ser Timmas of Blumkin.

Huh. Nice analogy - Terminator:Mad Max as T2:The Road Warrior.

Years ago I got an invitation to attend a "TV pilot screening". Oh, and to make it a real life experience, we had to also watch commercials. It turned out to be an ad agency testing their commercial for effectiveness, some detergent I think. Anyway, the show they screened for us was "Bumpers" starring Masur, which

Henry Fonda was an amazing ice cold killer, and Jason Robards was damn good. The thing that kills this movie for me is Charles Bronson as the lead. Think of how much better this could have been with Eastwood (or even James Coburn from "Duck, You Sucker") instead of Bronson.

After the name of the first episode, a little relieved that this one wasn't called "Work makes you free".

Signs: A world that is 70% water is invaded by aliens that are allergic to water. It's like they never saw The Wizard of Oz.

Seriously hoping the Mein Kampf/My Struggle foreshadows a horribly menacing villain pulling the strings to create a master race, but this is The X-Files so we will probably get the guy who played J. Peterman on Seinfeld fiendishly stocking Family Dollar stores with goods made from Chinesium.

I wish they had published this before Winter Storm Jonas.

"It does seem to be to some degree there’s a boom or bust aspect when it comes to Hollywood when it comes to female directors."

If they are killed, then in heaven they can look forward to being rewarded with 72 cousins.

And if you dig a deep enough hole, you will reach that place.

I was never really a Sinatra fan (and the whole Rat Pack thing hating my favorite music was a real turnoff), but it took me by surprise that he comes off as a really likable character in that movie.

Working my way through "The Strain" right now. You are not wrong, sir.

Geronimo? Like Cochise, but different? Well, as long as he is played by Doug Jones…

You joke, but the Roku light starts flashing like mad every time I open a beer.

Recommended because you watched your mother through the keyhole

What's the code for movies with beautiful women who take off their shirts?

♫ Joss Whedon, J.J. Abrams
J.J. Abrams, Joss Whedon ♫

Now I want a Popsicle…