
Bridge games in the UK must be a schoolboy's delight.

“The first rule of thumb when it comes to male chastity is this: If the balls go blue or cold, take the fucking cock cage off!”

Hey Danette, re: Scary Lucy

We need a website that has Monty Python graphic of aging stars like Liam Neeson, Bruce Willis, Keanu Reeves, Sean Penn etc. going into a meat grinder and movies like this coming out. And then link to it as a "Great Job, Internet!" feature.

I think I still have a video game called Dark Eye based on the works of Poe. They got Burroughs to do some voice acting and he read a few poems. Worth it just to hear him say the word "sepulchre".

"Hounds of Love" is still an amazing album. But the transition from LP to CD weakened it, I think. Each side had a different feel that gets lost when having one long play instead of flipping the record. The first side (Hounds of Love) was far more pop oriented, whereas the second side (The Ninth Wave) is more of a

"…Iggy Pop being shockingly erudite and insightful…"

If you didn't die at 27, then I don't even want to listen to your music.

I see sad people.

To be really, really good, the Wonder Bread would have to be slathered in Miracle Whip.

Anything involving the Krays brings a Glasgow smile to my lips.

On the other hand, he directed the recently released "Spotlight" which is probably going to get an Oscar nod. Spielberg had "1941". Everyone is entitled to a mistake now and then.

Isn't Forbidden Planet a re-make of The Tempest?

I think of Bond as a title passed along, à la The Dread Pirate Roberts.

Anthony Jeselnik as Dark Humor Bond.

A bit closer to Boston. That transition happened in my city long ago as well. But it is only happening recently in my immediate neighborhood because there just isn't a lot of turnover in real estate.. A lot of folks die in the same houses they grew up in.

Have fun looking for the Cowardly Lion and the Tin Man.

Meh. I'm in a city north of Boston and ten years after I bought my house I was the new guy in the neighborhood. There are good parts of closing ranks as well. You don't tolerate strangers coming in and causing a disturbance and you always look out for your neighbors.

Yup. I might call it frigid if my mailman isn't wearing shorts, but that won't happen until sometime in December or January.