
No love for the Sesame Street Thanksgiving feast?

"Fluffy ain’t frightening."

She says she is afraid of lasers, but turn one on and she will chase it across the kitchen floor all day long.

I always thought of this as the first song an embarrassingly earnest Paul Simon wrote after reading "Prufrock".

When in doubt, the safe choice is always the woman who plays Crazy Eyes in OITNB.

I was just a kid when this was taking place, but I remember my father's reaction. He said that Powers had been given a cyanide pill, and he should have taken it when he was shot down. Because he didn't, we had to trade a master spy to get a pilot back. Evidently it wasn't an uncommon sentiment at the time.

A fireworks fist bump and a "hell to the yeah" to all before who mentioned Orphan Black. Tatiana Maslany's work in every episode is as good as anyone cited in the article.

I read an interview with her where she said that she wasn't being offered good roles so she decided to write screenplays for herself. It looks like it was a winning strategy - Another Earth was pretty darn good and she got William Mapother to act in it (another person who should have been in the Familiar Faces piece).

Apollo Robbins switched them out mid-interview and you were the only one who noticed!

Johnny Depp makes a nice little cameo in Tusk.

I've seen both, and they are both terrific. The cast of "Infamous" is unbelievable; Jones and Hope Davis who were later reunited in "Wayward Pines". Sigourney Weaver, Gwyneth Paltrow, Sandra Bullock, Isabella Rosellini, Peter Bogdonavich, Jeff Daniels. And yes, an almost unrecognizable Daniel Craig.

I would have thought that Toby Jones has way too high a profile to be called a "familiar face".

Watching someone else play a video game is worse than having a coworker tell you about this really strange dream they had last night.

Oops. Ya got some schmutz on your face.


There was a recording of a radio broadcast with James Taylor and Joni Mitchell (live in front of an audience in England) that was later released as a bootleg. I should have bought it when I had the chance. Joni explained that "The Circle Game" was in response to Neil Young's "Sugar Mountain".

Is Zoot still in the band? The show is always better with more Zoot.

Oh no question, it was subversive as all get out. But I find myself drawn to popular story telling that tries to get you to sympathize with evil characters, like "Dexter" or "Breaking Bad" or even "Sweeney Todd". You end up hating yourself for liking it.

I know there was a huge negative response after they aired "Home", and I don't believe they aired it again (could be wrong on that). It was partly based upon something that Charlie Chaplin wrote about in his autobiography:

Amnesia? Dominic Purcell was in "John Doe"