
also, my statement is meant more in reference to some of the comments I'm reading down here rather than the main article

and all those specific groups targeted were largely done in a satirical manner. The only people group Matt and and Trey honestly attack at face value has always been hypocrites (and maybe scientologists lol)

did you read the 2nd half at all?

I cannot upvote this enough!

"I suspect this person's world views are not 100% congruent with my own, and last week they poked fun at my own personal pet cause, therefore they must be the root cause of all the world's woes!" -Literally the root cause of most of this country's problems for the last few years, the reason we have an disgusting idiot

actually, giving her the opportunity to challenge and question his decision publicly as he announces she will run things while he is away is a major power play on Jon's part. Sansa would then be in a poor position to challenge Jon's other decisions without making herself look bad.

Nobody liked those two Sand Snakes anyway. They were both terrible. At least the other one was boobs- I mean, interesting.

Personally, I'd like to see an alternate history where Lincoln survives long enough to properly execute the Reconstruction, instead of that twat Johnson and the drunk Grant fucking the whole thing up. Personally, I strongly suspect slavery as an American institution was doomed, regardless of who won the war.

hopefully they would have had better luck with nation building than Haiti has

What? considering the surreal world we now live in, it's pretty topical subject matter. A country bitterly divided and a horrifying turn of historical events? How does that not sound familiar? Also, our country has only been around for a couple centuries and some change. Objectively speaking we have relatively

leaches. they were made from leaches.

I could be wrong, I'd have to look it up, but scientifically speaking, I believe that specific term is inapplicable between two females.

I like to think that at family dinners, James Caan refers to his son as, "Pass the butter douchebag"

I could watch an entire spinoff series that's just Arya on a murder bender

They didn't commit treason- they're a couple of middle schoolers whose fathers committed treason, but if branded as traitors as Sansa wished, they would as John pointed out, be forced to pay for their fathers' crimes

most have either a trade, a tenant farm or at least access to the community. A well-known family stripped of their lands and possessions, branded as traitors whose only "asset" is noble birth would enjoy none of that. They would be treated as pariah by the whole of the North, and with no real means to provide for

the only dragons killed entirely by humans were because they were chained in a pit and had a building dropped on them, and even then they went down fighting. All the other instances of dragon slaying were with the aid of other dragon riders

Unless Euron really does have that magic dragon mcguffin, I really don't think he or Cersie realize how tragically out of their league they are trying to play at this point.

I like to think the finger was left on purpose to be conspicuous and send a message. I wouldn't put it past her to put in the effort the effort to actually make the pie taste good. Commitment to craft.

I love how the more Tormund sees Brienne doing "Brienne" things, the more wildly infatuated with her he gets lol