
Sad to see the puritanical strain of progressives throw Whedon under the bus for being [God forbid] a less than perfect human person.

they need to find a way to take him off the board while retaining the Knights of the Vale

I think Sansa and Arya are playing a long con on Littlefinger. Arya decides to "show her hand" by showing off her fighting skills and Sansa makes sure Littlefinger is there too see it. Later, after Littlefinger suggests Sansa compel Brienne to protect her from Arya, Sansa sends her away on somewhat of a fool's

still, regardless of his background, melting bodies isn't something a person just falls into without making a series of avoidable bad decisions along the way.

Luke and Jessica's power levels really seem nerfed/plot dependent

I get what Luke was saying, but he needs to dial his high-horse down a notch, or find a better example to illustrate his point. I mean, Danny caught the kid MELTING FUCKING BODIES not boosting car stereos

I 2nd the Misty thing in this series. It's the attitude. She needs to dial it down a peg. I mean she's a terrible detective who's constantly trying to order around mystical ninjas and super people who can punch down a building. Plus, the whole "You need to trust the NYPD" thing she keeps trying to sell. you mean

I get saving the kids from getting shot, but beating the guys with shotguns was way over the top. I mean, yeah, a couple of TVs aren't worth killing some kids, but I don't think Matt needed to beat the guys with shotguns to a pulp after they were down either.

maybe they could turn Kevin into something more than a walking stereotype

There's a special place in the seven hells for all you dirtbags posting spoilers!

Not really a fan of Sansa, but I do hope it plays out that everything she's doing is part of some grand scheme she has to outwit and get rid of Littlefinger. A "student becomes the master" type thing. otherwise, her storyline has no payoff.

she's sworn to serve the Stark girls, not Jon Snow

it was a good decision by the writers though. in war, ok dudes are often killed by other ok dudes (or ok chicks in this case)

does gilly's kid age at some reduced rate or something?

As much as I dislike the frogs in general, they're hit and miss when it comes to behavior. Many of them (especially the Paris types) are rude terrible assholes, but many more are perfectly lovely people. Either way, even at their worst, at least the French are not loud, obnoxious and uncultured (unlike the vast

Posh brits are the only tolerable ones. Nothing worse than being stuck on a long flight with a bunch of loud bottom-shelf brits and their inscrutable accents. People who talk about "ugly Americans" haven't spent much time abroad.

yes, he also apparently invented the lubricated bearings needed to for it to whip around like that. Quite the feat, considering the rest of their technology looking seems to be 1000 years behind what would be required for the tooling manufacture of such things

most strains of domesticated duck come from mallards and can interbreed with them in a pinch

I think cap has the complexity and understanding required to respect and accept people while still holding no love for their more annoying personality quirks.

Cool about it? ever since those mustache twirling skinny jean wearing no-goodnicks rode in on their fixed-speed bicycles, Cap can't afford his rent anymore. Civil War ended because Cap had to swallow his pride and crash on Tony's couch and look for an apartment that's affordable on a super-hero's salary.