
Are professional dominatrixes (dominatrices?) and their clients really as ubiquitous as TV seems to want us to believe, or is there a handful of kinky producers and executives trying to make us think they are in order to normalize their proclivities? Honestly asking.

only two? that puts me five steps ahead of the game!

I don't believe on shitting on anyone's religion (or lack thereof). I've known just as many of muslims, jews, atheists and buddhists the world over that do all these things, and I never saw it was representative of their beliefs. Shitty behavior is a universal human flaw, and to shit on christians for falling short

I think that part of this stems from the fact that most asian-americas live in the same areas, where we are so ubiquitous that even the white folk understand the differences between various cultures and can tell them apart to some degree. We forget that there are huge swaths of this country where people, through no

I'm not sure if "excessive blowjobs" is a concept my brain can even process.

Meh, the cross cultural casting doesn't really bother me, it's all the other shit. I mean, can you tell the difference between the different flavors of white actors?

Given his prodigious promiscuity, rampant alcoholism, lovable misogyny, and all-around loose moral code, I think making Bond a practitioner of any religion does a disservice to that religion lol

I would worry that a commitment to the head covering could be an issue for a spy, but it's not like Bond ever tries to hide who he is anyway.

I think it depends where you live.

Hollywood only has 4 roles for asians: Kung fu person, sexual fetish, nerd, or borderline racist villain.

Baby steps. Plus, I cant imagine any kind of Bond who identifies by religion. An Arab Bond definitely, but not "muslim" or even "christian". I'm pretty sure Bond is atheist bordering on nihilism.

sorry, I think I misread the simile in your original comment

I think you're making nonsense connections. Equating Boondock Saints to neo-nazism makes just about as much sense as saying that using Wonderbread to make PBJs makes you a KKK sympathizer

Wildcard option: Everyone is hung up on the black or white options, but what what about an Indian, Pakistani or even a Sikh Bond? Discuss

Is it somehow less racist to use the british spelling? lol

Misogyny is one of Bond's defining characteristics, so I'd argue that the only two things he absolutely has to be are male and British (or at least Scottish or Irish. Some kind of UK flavor.)

Janney is totally wasted on that CBS show she's on. Somebody needs to give her a project worthy of her talents.

At first i was a little disappointed and thought they were wasting perfectly good CJ by having her shoot straw men in a barrel, but then I realized (with horror) that this is actually what Trump has reduced the White House press corps to.

that was a great episode, but I was a little concerned that half the west wing staff seemed to spend the entire day listening to that dude. I mean, he had an interesting point, but i kinda think that even on a slow day, those people have much more pressing matters to attend to.

bad-ass-mother-fucker, and no, you don't fuck Arya, she fucks you and you're not expected to survive the experience