
Once a thing becomes popular, the peons feel have an almost involuntary to signal disdain for the popular thing, because they fear that to do otherwise would make them "uncool"

And then she brutally murders him and uses his ginger head for a new disguise, because she's Arya Stark and that's how she rolls, like a bamf

Honestly, as much as I hate Trump and cringe at the idea of him being our Commander in Chief, I'd argue that the cruise missile play was the same call any of the last 4 presidents and Hillary would have most likely made if faced with the same scenario.

Give it time, it's only been 100 days. Bush II was pretty quiet for the first 8 months and it took him 2 and 1/2 years to really start fucking shit up. I pray I'm wrong though

oh loosen up on the pearls, you're gonna choke yourself.

Asshole couldn't get Game of Thrones?

How is it shitty? It's an objective fact.

I mean, I kinda get it; biology has the nasty side-effect of making you a narcissistic emotional train wreck at that age. Some teens are desperate to identify with characters like this and I could see some of them watching the show and getting inspired to off themselves out of some narcissistic desire to be super

I still kinda hope Bo meets an unfortunate end, but not before taking a generous life insurance policy out on himself. Cheyenne may be a bit of a dumb-dumb, but she still deserves better

fake news?

And if you think Katana, Captain-America, Guardian, Captain Britain, and Wonder-Woman owe you and your hipster ilk some kind of apology for wrapping themselves up in a flag and being f**king awesome, lock yourself in long wait for a train that ain't coming.

[yawn] Try not to cut yourself being so edgy. The only people who grew up watching George Reeves as Superman are now watching Andy Griffith reruns in Florida and Arizona.

these places seem especially accident prone. one of the sushi burrito places near me had a car drive into it during a shoot-out like some sort of b-action movie.

yeah, there's a lot of places even in CA where you have to specifically order Cali rolls inside out if that is what you want

Fish are not animals; you can eat them on Fridays and during Lent. Some dude in a dress and a funny hat said so, so it must be legit true.

I've seen it both ways even here in California.

Even more interesting, any sushi involving salmon was introduced to Japan by a Scandinavian fishing lobbyist, hoping to expand the Atlantic salmon market to the Pacific. Apparently, unlike their Atlantic cousins, Pacific salmon cannot be eaten raw due to parasites.

Maybe I'm just a cynic, but part of me kinda suspects that every morning Samantha Bee checks her bank statement, then drops down to her knees, raises her hands, and thanks Jesus, Buddha and Moses that Trump got elected.

We get it, you took a freshman sociology class, you want people to know you hate America and that you're edgy-cool. Steve has never been about blind jingoism, he represents the moral ideal of his country and has always been the first to speak up when America falls short of that ideal.

I've been saying from day one that making Cap hydra was one of the worst, most tone-deaf decisions Marvel has ever made, and they've had some doozies. I'm a life-long marvel fan-boy but I've been boycotting them for almost a year now and it doesn't look to be changing any time soon.