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    I frequently visit Reddit. Specifically

    Counterpoint: No.

    They don't sound "awfully mad" and they're not "yelling". I don't necessarily agree or disagree with their point of view but people responding to normal, non-insulting comments with "You mad bro?" style antagonism really needs to die a death. It's been the go-to attempt to discredit people whilst avoiding having to

    With, and I quote, "the getaway donkeys". Have to concede that got a chuckle out of me.

    I think their point is that people don't care about offending Christians the same way the care about offending Muslims. And they attribute that to the violent responses like the Charlie Hebbdo killings or that Danish cartoonist. If you're a Christian, then this episode in particular was very offensive to your beliefs.

    Or alternately, you are taking your personal opinion and telling people globally what values words have. I've heard angry guys call a girl a "whore" in anger - for cheating on them, sleeping with someone they don't like or too many people. I've never heard a guy yell at his cheating girlfriend "you're a hooker".

    I think we should wrap this up as it's a pointless diversion from the episode and subject to geographic variation. But "whore" sounds far more abrasive and denigrating then "hooker" to me, and 'whore' is an actual, non-slang word. Whereas 'hooker' just sounds like a profession. It's only an insult if you're using it

    Maybe. But when you start throwing "privilege" in people's faces as a way of attacking them and as if it lets you know their value without having to know anything else about them, we have a problem. Both on the individual level and as a source of social rifts. I've already made, I believe, a very strong argument about

    Honestly, it's just slang to me. "Whore" actually sounds cruder and more offensive, even though it's the technically correct word. Hooker is almost a euphemism to me. IMO, hooker is to prostitute what pussy is to vagina. I've certainly heard it used countless times not as a pejorative. And if you don't believe me,

    The disciple was named as "Thaddeus". Thaddeus was alternately the replacement apostle for Judas, or Jesus' brother. Or possibly both. There is some debate.

    Ehhh, Denis is kind of charming in an awful way. Drugs, alcohol and an easygoing attitude to sex can lead to a broad range of sexual situations.

    Your own post wasn't exactly civil discussion and it doesn't have the saving grace of being a response to insults, either. What was wrong with their post? They said the reviewer shouldn't use pejorative terms for sex workers and then questioned Starr's motivations. I don't think "hooker" is a pejorative (unless you're

    There's an episode on TCW where Jar-Jar Binks teams up on a mission with Mace Windu and they go to this planet where Jar-Jar Binks is an ambassador. And everybody likes Jar Jar because he's sort of childlike and innocent and they all think Mace is this mean bully who always acting like he knows best.

    Very well put.

    I really don't think they should keep pushing the Tortured Danny thing. It's not who he is.

    I was laughing so hard at Danny's speech at the Midland Board that I actually had to pause the episode for a moment, although fortunately that seemed to be the writers intention considering how Alexandra was completely no-selling his attempt. What made it so hilarious even beyond the actual speech was that I could not

    Uh, Danny has been in the world of business for about… six months? I think the entire Iron Fist season takes place over a couple of weeks. And he only gets brought into the company part way through that and bows out in favour of Ward entirely at the end of it saying "I'm not much of a business man". His experience in

    When someone else is to blame, everybody should be asking "How is this Scott Buck's fault?"

    If you have to rewrite what I wrote to make your point, you might just have an agenda to prove. I didn't write "heavy handed black music". I wrote "heavy handed musical accompaniment" And yes, it is pretty on the nose. They don't play "Kung Fu Fighting" every time Danny Rand appears. I also didn't write "black music"

    Yeah, if I were to describe what I think everyone's fighting styles should be in the form of music, it would be as follows: