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    What is going on? I keep seeing comments about this. Wikipedia says Kinja is a news aggregator but that's about all I know. I have a Disqus account I created and log in and comment only through that. Is something going to happen to it?

    I hope to god that's a typo, and you meant Cottonmouth, not Diamondback…

    Maybe it has to do with how long they have been dead. They kept Harold Meachum dead for three days and he was a bit screwy when he came back. Electra was buried and then dug up again after who knows how long and there were also comments about them having "found" the Black Sky which implies they didn't know where she'd

    I like Oliver. And he can be very funny in a sardonic, accidental way that I love:

    You're right - it's a great idea. Doing a Terminator but with Elektra (Elektranator?) in the police station coming for Danny Connor, would have been absolutely great.

    A bit mean. She's nearly seventy years old. We'll see how you're doing at that age. Not many people look so good at 68!

    Also, when they're walking down the street afterwards, Matt suggests maybe its a natural formation and Jessica sarcastically tells him it's a precise circle of exactly 30m (or something like that). So plainly he didn't see the actual plans.

    I keep seeing comments about "Kinja" all of a sudden. Wikipedia says it's a news aggregator. What is going on and why is everyone talking about it all of a sudden?

    It seems that in a fit of pique, killahmcgillah has deleted all their comments in this thread, making a mess of the conversation. I think they bailed when everyone started disagreeing with them / upvotes didn't go their way.

    Being a good person means doing the right thing. Being an asshole means not caring how others feel. Typically, therefore, being a good person is incompatible with being an asshole. HOWEVER, if one is surrounded by weak or unpleasant people, then being an asshole becomes a requirement of being a good person.

    But I have yet to hear anything about this show causing any real offense.

    Everybody creates an account to make "that comment" at some point. I'm pretty sure my first comment here was because of something I felt I really wanted to say. I just don't see how 'you cared enough to create an account' is a refutation of anything.

    I think they were really trying to build up the SoK as this unstoppable terrorsing force of nature. All those odd scenes of him walking a long a highway, bullets going through fifteen walls, killing seraphim, walking out of grenades. He appears on screen as a cowboy with a gun but they were really trying for making

    Yeah. Also, it's obvious from the title and the posters (which were everywhere where I am) what it's about. Whereas I've never seen an ad for Preacher on the side of a bus or a billboard anywhere. And even if you did: "A preacher goes in search of God" is going to require a more in-depth look than "Lucifer solves

    Actually, having read more of their posts now and tried "debating" with killahmcgillah myself, I owe you an apology. You called it!

    please don't be that guy who dies on the "it's fine to call women hookers whenever we want!" hill.

    i bet you do real well with the ladies.

    After their micro-rant about Reddit and Hitler, I've decided that they're just trolling.

    But your "making fun of this shitheel" has two problems. Firstly, you're making yourself look like an idiot rambling on about how Atheism is a religion invented by Adolf Hitler. Secondly, you're the one who is behaving obnoxiously to another poster. They made a simple post which, whatever else, is actually accurate.

    I'm glad you have that much time and energy to devote to arguing with illiterates