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    8) "The substance." The Substance. /facepalm (See also lines like, "we want the Fist," which, just, no….)

    You're kidding me! Maggie is his nun-mum? She joined a convent after having him? Just how bad was this break-up?

    Danny wanted to be proactive, but I'm pretty sure he would have sat down and listened to any plan about how to do that. (He was also right that sitting defensively wasn't going to work with the Hand.) They utterly made the wrong call both ethically and tactically. And I'm not just saying that because of how the plot

    Throughout both Iron Fist and this, I keep finding myself thinking: "But these Hand people are so nice to you! You keep beating them up and killing them, but they keep saying they're willing to forgive and lets at least talk." And the heroes keep going "nope. We're going to beat up and kill a few more of you." Oh, I

    I've just re-watched it after your comment. (JJ, ep.4, 14minutes in if anyone wants to see for themself). Jessica is shot with a badly aimed hand pistol, the shot doesn't ricochet, it very clearly strikes her on the outside of her shoulder and causes a spray of blood in its path.

    Besides the fact that she's not nearly as physically capable as the main characters and would be the most likely to get killed if she had joined them.

    Yeah, I got that but I don't think it's realistic to be benched in the first place. She's Danny's friend - much more so than strangers who he just met (and who don't exactly treat him well). Nor is she the sort of person who would just volunteer to bow out of planning and action in the first place. They have no reason

    Who is Maggie? Obviously I got the name from the episode, but I don't know who she is.

    I did laugh when they all pulled out batons. I mean, were they expecting Danny to walk in and fight them or is it just not done to turn up to a board meeting without a standard-issue Hand baton? :D

    Okay, now I'm torn between yours and the one about "spelunking nuns" for best comment on a Defender's Thread, 2017 Award.

    So I've just finished episode eight and specifically on that episode, there were a couple of moments that, well…

    Don't mind admitting that I didn't see it coming. And unlike a lot of people, it didn't annoy me. Sigourney Weaver is a great actress, but it doesn't mean I think Alexandra was a great role. I found Electra's arc more interesting and her final scene with Matt was the best scene in the series for me. Except perhaps the

    Yeah, it wasn't awful but it was a bit on the nose. I mean it was a very noble speech by Luke Cage there, but if I were Danny I might have replied that "disolving dead bodies to clean up a murder scene isn't excused with a pat 'he was trying to feed his family'."

    I did like the way Stick went out, though. In a series overflowing with people who are arseholes-but-not-really, it was nice to see one that actually followed through on being the bastard the series made them out to be.

    I liked JJ holding up the lift - I'd been enduring frustration from her being short-sold all through the season. And I liked Elektra and Matt's final one-on-one fight and dialogue. It was touching and I'm a sucker for romance. The scene where Matt doesn't walk through the doors with all the others is also very well

    Actually, I'd probably tell them that skipping trial and evidence and normalising vigilante justice was probably a bad idea. But I probably wouldn't fit in well in a comic book.

    For all that Sigourney Weaver is a great actress, I'm actually finding Wai Ching Ho acting everybody else off the screen. She is frankly marvellous. She was great as this sparingly used little cameo in Daredevil, she survived some atrocious plotting and dialogue in Iron Fist and in this she's downright fantastic. No

    And I found Iron Fist surprisingly watchable.

    I'm not sure that's right. I don't remember her having much in the way of invulnerability and I think if she got shot or stabbed, that could well still be fatal for her. She's a bit tougher than normal, I think, and she heals more quickly. There's a hint she might have other generic superiority like her immune system

    I like JJ more in this than I did in her own series, actually. Possibly because I find her a bit of an obnoxious arse and that can play badly when I'm asked to just watch her be pettily aggressive to ordinary people who seem alright to me, but plays well when she does it to people who are a bit annoying themselves…