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    I have noticed (I'm on episode 7 now, but no specific spoilers) that Colleen seems to get unfairly benched for a lot of it. Nothing I've seen of her character leads me to think she'd walk away so that the guys could take care of things, nor sit on the sidelines whilst the four went off to do things. Is that a symptom

    Man, Turk folded fast. It's a wonder anybody would ever let him near a gig again! At least Matt Murdoch had to extensively torture his Russian mobster. Everyone else seems to give up their clients if you scowl at them. Whatever happened to snitches get stitches?

    I'm one episode behind you and you know what is really starting to grate a lot on me? Misty Knight. Every character who interacts with her seems to suddenly be written to show how they recognize how cool and special she is. Whether it's JJ being interrogated (not a spoiler, I hope, as it's prominently in the trailer)

    Probably. And you're definitely right about Colleen. She is great.

    You're welcome. Having watched further now (I'm on Ep. 5), another detail from Iron Fist has become semi-relevant so I'll add that as well:

    I've reached episode five. There's some good stuff. The ensemble fight with the team for the first time (pretty safe to say that's going to happen so not really a spoiler) is quite entertaining. There's nothing on the level of DD Season 1's corridor fight so far. And I haven't seen anything that matched some of the

    I hope so.

    I don't say that you're wrong. We're very deep into subjective opinion territory here. But I'll offer up some examples of why I think the fault lies with script and director. I'll only give a couple of examples, but please read them as illustrative rather than exhaustive. I'll also have to go back to the Iron Fist

    I get that as a reaction, but ultimately as a viewer, I don't care — if the fight scenes in an action series aren't good, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    There are some essentials you'd need to know but I'll put these in a spoiler below. Don't open it unless you have definitely made up your mind to skip Iron Fist and go straight to Defenders.

    Do you not recall what she did to her partner in JJ? She's a horrible, awful person as Unbelievable21 said.

    That actually bugged me. Madame Gao is awesome and a very powerful and cunning character. Seeing her ordered around like a servant grated with me. It didn't make me go "Oooh, this new character must be amazing," it made me go "Oh, this new character is a dick".

    We related because I am a journalist and everything involving Karen's job makes me want to scream

    I expect he thought the iron fist would kill his opponent and he wanted to avoid that (until he realised how good she actually was). But I agree the scene wasn't as tense as it was probably meant to be.

    I don't think he believes they were all dead. I think he just fears they will be and thinks his dream might be prophetic. For a thousand years or whatnot, the Immortal Iron Fist has stood guard at the gates of the city to protect it from the Hand. And then Danny leaves. He only realised how important his duty was when

    I was watching out for this episode review. My hope was that whatever else, it wouldn't be another Iron Fist hate-fest like the series preview. The author of that slated either the character or the actor in nearly every paragraph. Having watched the first episode only so far, what I noticed was that Danny was the only

    I think the reason he went along with it was at least in part that he thought murdering three professional people doing their job would be, at the least, distasteful.

    Well when there's enough of us and we unite, maybe directors will start making characters shut doors, so I can only half-sympathise. ;)

    Don't be so disrespectful. This thread should be condolences and well wishes and polite discussion of the dangers of stunt work if people choose to. It shouldn't be cheap sniping and wilful misinterpreting people's words. Just leave the thread.

    I have no idea if that's an actual spoiler or just some idea from the comics, but if it's actually a spoiler of some sort you should put it in tags like this.