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    Handmaid's Tale cross-over episode?

    I love how real and uncomfortable that got so fast. Seeing Rick try to justify himself like he gave a shit about what the Vindicators thought about him was unexpected but priceless.

    I still don't get why he was named after the band.

    "So uh, are you in gear college or gear sch…" *explosion*

    No, I'm not trying to tell you that James Earl Jones' voice doesn't sound like a Black mans. I'm trying to explain to you that it doesn't not sound like any other race, either. You're trying to make the case that independent of accent, independent of what language you learned growing up, that voices are recognizable

    Please tell me she was playing one of the sharks!

    Don't worry. The number of people who have read the comics and therefore are obliged to hate the show is fairly small so you should be good.

    I've never seen any of these movies. Are they actually worth watching? Say the first one, at least?

    There are a lot more than that in China, but 90%+ of people have one of the popular one-hundred. So practically it's the same.

    That's just an expectation bias. Even though you insert the word "often" in there to cover yourself, it's not "pretty easy" to distinguish different races by voice independent of accent. Did people watching Ep. IV and Ep. V hear Darth Vader and immediately think "Black person"? Essentially, what you are doing when you

    Heh. That too! :)

    Yep. I nearly went with Korea as another example, but decided to use Wales to show that it wasn't just an Asian thing. When the English forced them to have an official single family name, they all just picked a noble or famous family that they said they belonged to. Anyway, it's a comparable situation for similar

    Yeah, I am. I've yet to meet a person of Chinese descent raised in either the UK or the USA who didn't have the same accent as others from their country. I've a few friends from England who are Chinese descent and none of them sound like they're from China. Even when they're speaking in Chinese (a couple of them can),


    I've always taken "we need a break" to mean "I want to see if that guy down the gym is single" from a woman. If it turns out he's not, then the break is over.

    Should one apologise for being a "man-whore"? Are you slut shaming us?

    Of the two of them (Aniston and Schwimmer), that would be the fault of the director, though. ;)

    Now you spoiled it!

    Well, it was Denise Richards so you couldn't entirely blame him. She was pretty funny in that episode. In fact, the series did a nice line in relatives generally. Reese Witherspoon as one of Rachel's sisters. I don't recall who played the other one but she had one of my silliest and favourite lines in the series: "That

    I really, strongly disagree that you were meant to dislike Susan. In fact, I think there was always an undercurrent of her being beyond criticism because she was a lesbian. It was always Ross having to recognize that he was 'wrong' no matter how much she tried to exclude him from his ex-wife and his child's lives or