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    I recall him cutting off women socially who wanted more. Routinely. But I don't recall him ever promising more. He always seems pretty straight forward about what he wanted. I mean, "How YOU doin'?" doesn't feel like a subtle misleading of anyone.

    If you spend all day feeling constantly on-edge and mildly queasy over things that are completely outside your control you need to get some help.

    That was hilarious! :D

    Wong (there are a couple of different names that sound the same to Americans as "Wong") is a hugely common family name. Far more so than a common name like "Smith" in the USA. Common family names in the USA just means there are more of them than less common names. In China, it means that's basically the list of names

    It's voice acting. Unless the character is actually FROM a foreign country and the actor can't do the accent, it really doesn't matter. I took the joke to just be how everything is seen as cultural appropriation these days, even when its the characters actual name.

    Ah, I see. Thank you. It did seem bizarrely aggressive! :D

    Watch The Good Girl in which she stars. It's quite old but if you think her finest dramatic work was on Friends then I suspect (though you might just have a different opinion), that you've never seen that film.

    And he was right about not giving $100 to a building manager who was leaving the same day he moved in. But he was punished for both, nonetheless.

    Ha ha ha! That was wonderful. Anybody who is just reading these comments and didn't click your link should go back and read it. That was great!

    Babylon 5 was excellent and I mentioned it mainly because the GP mentioned Deep Space Nine which was largely inspired by the idea of Babylon 5 as I understand it. It also had amazing special effects for a TV show of its day and was quite influential, too.

    Yeah. The way his wife left him and took their child with her was a pretty horrible event for him and the way the show always played it for laughs was mean. I always felt there was a sort of partisanship about it. His wife is a lesbian and therefore has some inherent virtue / good guy points. At least that's how it

    So you're alright about your partner sleeping around?

    Babylon 5.

    Ross IS a horrible human being. The most charitable you can be is to call him weak. But there are countless mean or selfish things he did, right down to taking messages for Rachel from a suitor and then destroying the messages (whilst they were not together but flatmates). Most of the characters are pretty horrible.

    Jennifer Aniston in Friends always reminded me of a young Barbara Streisland. She looks like her when she was in What's Up Doc? and has some of the same comedic instincts. I mean this as a complement, btw.

    Alright, but Kitty Genovese was a real person who actually was murdered.

    I didn't catch any reference - well, other than the name of the place being the name of a movie. I think I may not be pop-culture enough for a lot of Preacher. You're right - it wasn't realistic. If nothing else they would have known that the big gun (Desert Eagle?) would punch through the body armour. It's

    And again, it's fictional. Whatever you think you're proving, you're not.

    Starr doesn't seem like he has strong beliefs, to me. I don't see him as a "NAZI".

    I think the ambiguity of Watchmen is wonderful. It's entirely legitimate to interpret it as Dan and Laurie being as close as it comes to being heroes. They are, I agree, the ones who most manage to remain "human". But equally they do so by accepting the self-delusion of humanity. You could equally call Rorschach the