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    Well, you're being upvoted. But I suspect that's mainly because Rick and Morty is awesome rather than some magical ability of South Park's to re-write people's political views. It's hard to disagree with any statement that begins "Rick and Morty is better than…" just because it's Rick and Morty!

    I remember Bill Hicks well over a decade ago doing a routine where he asked "you want to see American politics? I'll show you American politics! *Holds up two hands as if with puppets* I think the puppet on the left shares my beliefs / I think the puppet on the right is more to my liking. Hey, waitaminute! It's one

    I agree with your sentiment on satire and subtlety, it seems like young
    people Americans just can't understand something is supposed to be silly unless
    there's tons of eye-winking and nudges.

    Well unless you're arguing that media should be created for the lowest common denominator or there be flashing subtext telling people how they're supposed to interpret things, I don't see any responsibility can be placed on the creators' doorstep for those who take their own meaning from it.

    Young children are violent, cruel, sadistic little sociopaths. They can and will take the piss out of each other for every conceivable reason - weight, accent, colour, disability, parent's job, orientation, height, hair colour, freckles, preferred sports and pasttimes… They'll also forget all about every single one of

    the alt-right doesn't strike me as the kind of people who would like South Park"

    “I hate conservatives, but I really fucking hate liberals,”

    That's a good solution. I think I'll try that! :)

    I recommend walking around Cairo for half an hour. That'll do it.

    Same here. Honestly, the biggest surprise is that Jessie has a soul.

    Night Nurse? She uses a cough mixture brand for her superhero identity? :/

    Do you see Oliver as someone who asks for help? 'Cause, uh, I don't!

    Daredevil Season 1 was the best, imo with Jessica Jones a close second. I got bored in Luke Cage and started skipping episodes without feeling I missed anything. I found Iron Fist too low energy (though I did finish it and think it was better than Luke Cage. I liked Colleen a lot).

    She's the police psychiatrist who interviews Arthur in The Tick pilot.

    My comments weren't meant to read as hostile to you. I'm sorry if that's how they came across. For what it's worth, this bit:

    Yep. Kind of how I felt. Probably the writers think it's positive to show a woman in a powerful role in the organization but that's about this character, not about women. What would be positive to see that it wasn't special that she was a woman.

    I don't think so. Many older people are racist because they retain the attitudes prevalent when they were younger. But I think it is a rarity that someone is not racist when in, say, their twenties and then have become racist in their forties. I mean, do you expect to become racist in the future?

    His opponent would only have to get that bonesaw to one side of Jessie's neck as well!

    Huh. I tried to reply myself, pretty much the same point as you made but the posts just got deleted. Hopefully by the user themself otherwise that's pretty unfair censorship.

    Heh. You just reeled off a list of the reasons why I don't like her! :D