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    Meh. If someone is swinging a bonesaw at me, spreading my arms wide and trying to stick my hands either side of his head is probably not my go to move.

    What I chiefly get from your comment, is that Hell struggles to compete with the American prison system for awfulness.

    I would like to have seen more women in Victor's employ. Tulip was the only tough person in there that was female. The other two were either the cook or the young daughter.

    Quite probably!

    Even The Kingmaker? If you haven't listened to that one, it's one of my favorites. It has Perry and Erimem in it who are two of my favourite companions. Also, a wonderful cross-time conversation with both parties alternately leaving messages with a pub landlord to hand to people who match a certain description in a

    Good Lord, I had forgotten that line. :D

    Was that the Big Finish one Colditz? I never listened to many of the Seventh Doctor ones. Fifth and Sixth Doctor ones were the highlight of the Big Finish series for me. Especially Davros and Kingmaker.

    Hitler can be a sympathetic figure. People change.

    It's fine to feel empathy for a fellow human being who is being ganged up on and beaten. Adolf Hitler is a human being. The demonization of Hitler as some kind of incomprehensible, inherently evil concept is, imo, downright dangerous. Hitler wasn't some magic Darkness Fairy who spread magic evil across the world.

    I don't see Hitler in this as some Machiavellian evil.

    I laughed good and hard at the line about getting anal and oral at the same time. That was funny. :D

    Heaven assuredly must have some actors in it, but presumably they are regular citizens in Heaven now, or whatever the equivalent is. Can't have Orson Wells pop-up as God now can you? No, they needed an unknown who didn't already have friends, businesses, whatever with others in Heaven. Hence going down to Earth,

    Having watched anarchists and communists smashing up Hamburg at the G20 last week, the reference to that was timely, though I'm sure unintended. Communists in Germany at the time were fomenting revolution and smashing things up. The Weimar Republic was a powder keg and could have easily have gone Communist Revolution

    I think I've figured out what annoys me about Tulip. She has the mannerisms of a child. The way she talks, moves her head, shuffles her feet, looks up at those more powerful than her. It's the body language and expression of a toddler. I find that juvenile on a grown woman, though I'm sure many find it endearing.

    Ah, right. Thank you. Well they are both superbly talented, then.

    Did Dini do Young Justice? Because that had a level of plotting, pacing and characterization that outdoes any of the DC movies.

    For all the many wonderful lines in that episode, I think the best - because it's both funny AND sad - is Lex's girlfriends slight sigh of disappointment at the end of the episode when Lex brutally dismisses her. It's the sigh of someone who had a brief glimpse of how things might have gone if she'd become a hero

    so applause to you, sir or madam.

    That may be so. But a series filled with people I'd take one look at and never l let hang out with me, lacks one of the main reasons to stick with a show.

    I honestly feel no great need to argue with you over any of that! ;) I find both examples so trivial - and I think you mostly do as well - that debating the niceties of which is worse is fairly meaningless. One could build arguments for either so low-stakes they both are. I agree with you that it comes down to