
Another Box Set. Storage Spaces will be the next Hipster Accessory.

NOBODY is cut out for New Orleans in August.

I saw a good Eighties Comedy called "The Last Resort" with Charles Grodin, Phil Hartman, Jon Lovitz, and HOT YOUNG MEGAN MULLALLY!!!!

Oh, Kevin Dooley made me feel BAD!

I'm not huffy. I just got back from the Chinese Buffet. I'm stuffy.

Killing people is worse than having wrong opinions on gay marriage and abortion. But I guess we're just supposed to get used to Muslims killing people. You'd probably say it's all our fault anyway.

Yeah, that guy pretty much freaked out everybody in Hollywood when he dropped out to do Gay Porn. He's really funny in an OK Eighties' Comedy called "Fraternity Vacation".

Ricardo was funny. But what a knucklehead!

You know what I'm talking 'bout, AlternativeUsername.

I'd give her a Tattoo Removal compliment. That shit on her arm is my only real complaint with her (Since she's lost weight anyway).

I know who the guy in the funny shirt is because I have cool lefty Face Book Friends. I also know from personal experience that he is a little shit.

Trollin' Trollin' on the Triver

I've always thought "The Carl Burnett Show" was Great but I recently realized that they failed to take a Political Stand so FUCK THAT SHIT, MAN!

I've got a Cousin named Kevin
He's sure to go to Heaven

"Heaven Help Us" is the Best.

Have you heard Fry's remarks. They aren't anything really offensive. He is overestimating Humanity's ability to grasp the entirety of Reality, is all. Tell him I said that when you see him.

I'm not upset, I'm being a dick on the internet.

I haven't read that. I like Douglas Adams, I should look that up.

With today's audience "We shall fight on the beaches" will have them expecting something about Frat Boys terrorizing Cool Stoner Dudes.

Wow, these posts are getting some serious up votes. You guys are really into that show. I hope it cheers you up a little bit.