
He put a lot of energy into Hair Dressing and Cancer.

Well, I hope everybody has a good time.

Yes, I find that very interesting and I shall continue to follow the News.

Steve McQueen is making a Documentary about him. The original Steve McQueen. It will be Produced and Distributed in The Afterworld, man.

He's Screech's Opener.

Martha Quinn is my Grand Daughter.

Is "The Monkees" still on NBC every Monday night? Fuck that! I'm staying right here!

The Children Loved him.

I don't think he calls it that.

Seriously, you don't remember what Comey did YESTERDAY?!? Just YESTERDAY!?!

I still enjoy the "STEVE MCQUEEN!?! Oh . . . that one." every time I see his name. If I was a Movie Director I'd call myself "Elizabeth Taylor".

Comey made a fucking doofus of himself announcing that "Uh . . . That announcement I made right before Election Day . . . The one about State Department E mails on that Weiner guy's Lap Top . . . Uh . . . It wasn't quite the way I said it was . . . Oh, Geez . . . Uh . . . I kinda got it all wrong . . . Oh Boy . . . "

Thank you, NBC.

I forgot about that guy's accident. That's upsetting.

Keanu Reeves is a Very Nice Man and America Loves him!

I'm sure he does.

It took me a few minutes to remember the name of that band.

Unfortunately for your post that is not what I do for a living.

Gee, if people think Poop Flinging is interesting I'll just be boring.

Nobody remembers the News Story about Comey yesterday? JUST YESTERDAY?