
I doubt if many conservatives give a fuck about that show. We're waiting for the "Left Takes Over" rip off Starring Kirk Cameron and Mike Huckabee. Yeah, that'll be great.

No, but I am stupid so let's pretend you're right.

I'm not sure what that means. I think you'll definitely get this - Fuck Off.

Uh huh. Only liberals are funny. To liberals anyway.

Hell, yeah.

Cause I'm the only hateful person at the AV Club.

Is that from a Song? It's kind of snappy.

They won't be able to resist.

You forgot to mention the Soviet Union.

Yeah, man, "The Handmaid's Tale" is totally happening RIGHT NOW! Just wait and see, man, two years from now, WHOA!

What, I'm Alan Colmes now? I spent a lot of Time with Alan Colmes at The Comic Strip when he Emceed there on Week Ends. He was a very Nice Guy.

Yes, of course I have Colbert's house/office wiretapped. I know all kinds of things about him. I'm Writing a Book about Colbert, although it will have Ivanka Trump's name on it. They are paying me a lot of Money.

I'm only making fun of you. I doubt if Ivanka got as excited doing what you are whining about as Colbert when he did that "Cock Holster" thing "I'm gonna make TV HISTORY!!!!"

I'm sure the Committee working on the next Book "by" Chelsea Clinton will do a much better job.

Hey, I'm only putting down Planned Parenthood, geez!

No, it's not okay. But FCC regulations do not apply to recordings of private conversations.

Socks was a cool cat. I liked that W Bush cat who escaped from the White House and was found casually strolling down the sidewalk in DC.

Noodles is an excellent name for a person.

Not unless they plan on it.

Or a woman with a brain.