
Donations? Is there anything about that in my post?

The Clintons just announced their latest scam.

But they'll continue begging for Government Money anyway.

Yeah, back in the days when Homosexuals were making good Books, Music, and Movies.

Yeah, this is really inspiring stuff. You don't have to worry about getting pregnant after you kill yourself.

"fascism is eating us alive"

Yeah, Political stuff is HOT right now. Cash in while you can!

Nobody persecuting me. It was just a Joke. I could have made a Hillary Clinton joke but that would have set off your persecution complex. Right, Loser?

I am Working on a "Tunassee" Joke. "Tennessee" only with "Tuna". I should have it by Wednesday.

I was hoping Chappelle would play the Studio Promo guy who confronts the Washed Up Star at the Race Track about what a drunken old loser he is so then he commits suicide. Dave would be good as that guy.

How about the French election this Week End? You're gonna tell me everybody and their Mother isn't trying to mess with it? Maybe that's right, maybe it's wrong, but that's just how it goes.

Hmmm, that's kind of insightful. Maybe you should get drunk more often. No, I'm just kidding.

Lots of people "interfered" with the Election - CNN, Fox News, CBS, NBC, ABC, Comedy Central, Five Thousand Stand Up Comics, every Newspaper in the United States, etc.

He got fired for being friendly with Trump.

That wasn't meant for a TV Show, dumb ass.

Don't worry about me, I'm doing fine. Oh, but that makes me a BAD GUY.

If it was inspired by me it would have been interesting and entertaining.

Yes, because every single one of them Vote for Republicans. Yeah. Everybody knows that. It's documented. Uh huh.

I know what you mean by the FBI bullshit. But the Military? What do you mean?

I upvoted it because I feel sorry for you.