
Really? Everybody in the Military Voted for Trump? Does the Military tell Service Members how to Vote? All of those Women and Blacks and Two Fisted Tough Guy Gays in the Military all Voted for Trump? You're stupid.


Hey, you're hiding over here. What was that bullshit about the Military being complicit in Trump being Elected, loudmouth?

Yeah, prostates and testicles are funny.

Yeah, I was in the Army and I didn't Vote for Hillary Clinton. Oh, and I'm from the South.

Well, maybe a lot of em Voted for Trump but there's no "complicity" in that. I bet Xanderpoon thinks everybody in the Military shouldn't be allowed to Vote. Or something else really stupid. Boy, just wait until he fights every single one of those tards.

I can't resist - Exactly how is the Military complicit in electing Trump?

Oh, I have a prostate. What a put down.

Another delightful tantrum from the AV Club Staff. Remember when they were funny? No, wait - Remember when they at least tried to be funny? One year from now they won't be able to charge as much from advertisers and, of course, it will Donald Trump's fault.

I got an even bigger one seeing that you posted about it, Phaedrus.

And his Older Brother has never gotten over it.


And Lee Marvin steals a TURKEY!


Oh YEAH!?!

Nobody had anything good to say about Wise years ago. With the Movies we've got now he looks mighty fuckin' sharp.

An Aldrich "M*A*S*H" with Lee Marvin as Hawkeye woulda really been something.

Oh, sorry.

Definitely look up "Attack". Albert is amazing in that Movie. Eddie Albert is a very underrated Actor, probably because of "Green Acres". Which is dumb cause he's hilarious on that Show.

Robert Aldrich Directed more Great Movies than Martin Scorsese and Stephen Spielberg ever will.