
They're just dicks.

A Fifteen year old boy in my Parent's Neighborhood dropped dead. Everybody was saying it was because of DRUGS but I had spent a lot of Time with the kid from hanging out with his Dad and that guy never had anything to do with drugs. Turned out it was his Heart. Poor Guy died at age Fifteen because of Heart Troubles

Anything can happen to anybody.

He's pretty crummy.

I do a lot of things. More than most of the people who hang out around here.

Dicks always have reasons.

Yeah, you're right about that. They might have become a nicer bunch of guys but they were still Metallica.

Already explained that. I was talking about Idle because he was mentioned in the article. I could talk about Jerry Lee Lewis here but you did not mention him in your post.

And the AV Cub had an interview with the guy just a few years earlier.

I'm gonna make Putin watch "Cindy And Donna".

I haven't been monitoring Mister Idle's Politics until lately, Sir. So grateful for your permission to "carry on".

Sorry, Doctor. I was angry because an alligator had just ripped my leg off. I feel better now.

Because I like you.

Well, fuck you.

"Does every American General have Dancing Secretary Girl?"

I'm not shocked. I know that they're dicks.

I liked the Video where he had a cat in his lap and it jumped off and walked away. That cat was HARD CORE!

Idle's stupid quote is a Big Deal to me because he is someone I have had great admiration and respect for ever since I was a kid. Trump stupid quotes are usually not worth talking about because there are already ten million people saying equally stupid things about them before I can think of anything to say. Eric

I figured that out kinda. I just had never seen that particular assembly o' letters.

I useta Live in Queens. Washington Heights, too.