
Something noticed repeatedly by everyone outside of the "Barry is SO CUTE" cult for about a Decade. He does not know how to shake hands with another man. He just sticks his hand out in the air and leaves it there waiting for the other guy to . . . Well, I guess it's up to the other guy to make an extra effort to grab

It's cool. Dozens and dozens of slimeballs spent all day Monday trying to whip the entire Population into a frenzy over NOTHING and the only people talking about it Twenty Four Hours are here at the AV Club trying to convince one guy that it made sense. So, feel good about it. You win!

But Metallica are morons. The Eagles could have been very successful in almost any field without inflicting such bad Music on us all.

Wow, Heart is unbearable in the Twenty First Century. We must have very busy for a very long Time to allow that to have happened.

She won't last a Month.

And he Won the Election anyway. So even if he meant what you are suggesting Clinton's worthless old ass is safe.

I saw it once so, God, I am sorry about the "shipped" thing. Can you explain his point? Why was he talking about internment camps - He did say "internment camps" - in that discussion? He was one of the "Good People", he must have had a very good reason.

Is it the Hotel's fault Glenn Frey's guts were all tangled up? What a terrible way to go. I couldn't believe it, Glenn Frey died and I felt bad! I hope Don Henley goes in a way we can all enjoy like . . . No, I want it to be a SURPRISE!

Well, it's not as long as yours.

An entire Industry working to use your words to destroy you is scary.

That doesn't work on the internet.

Oh, they drew him as a Dog so it wouldn't be that grotesque! Was Bullwinkle a big guy with an awful haircut?

Abbot and Martin let Costello and Lewis get the laughs. Setting things up is as satisfying as the punchline.

My original point is that once again a Great Comedian has turned out to be a Horrible Old Man. They're weird guys.

No, but they would like to. They're sad harmless losers. But we've got to keep them under control.

I'm not worried about if a joke works or not. If the Global Warming thing is so great how does it turn one of the Funniest Comedians Ever into a cranky old piece of shit ranting about genocide? In Idle's defense, he is an old British Comedian living in Hollywood. That never works out okay. There was once a time when

I'm not denying anything about Global Warming. I don't like assholes using it to push everybody around.

Mister Peabody!

If as many people were burning flags as aren't believing in Global Warming we might have Global Warming. For a bit.

Hey, some Steve Pegues guy is talking about shitting in people's food! We have to get him fired from his job! Does he have kids? We've got to get them taken away from him! STEVE PEGUES SHITS IN PEOPLE'S FOOD!!!!