
You didn't like when they found his corpse in the barn?

Eric Idle? The guy who said people who don't believe in Global Warming should be put to death?

Are they reporting News or deliberately fucking with the guy?

That's a conservative nightmare?

Nobody has ever been in at least ten long complicated discussions over how the Civil War happened? If someone were to ask the same thing about Vietnam would everybody call him a moron? I guess it would depend who is asking wouldn't it?

"24"s Producer was busy Writing bad Comedy Sketches for that Fox News Comedy Show.

Didn't a guy named Tom Clancy Write a Book where this happened?

"Let's try to trick everybody into thinking he doesn't know why the Civil War happened!!!"

Don't Worry. It's scheduled to be released this Summer.

Maybe with CDs and Downloads n' what Today's Teens have never experienced the pleasure of walking down The street With The Physical Weight of a couple of Vinyl Albums in your hand. So maybe the Box Thing appeals to these people.

Housewives like Joe. Little girls like Mick. Dad and the boys like Topper - He's FUNNY!

Do people buy this shit? Like that Big Clash Box thing they put a couple years ago. I'm the Biggest Clash Fan Ever and it never once occurred to me to pay money for that bullshit. I'm not "into" Boxes, man.

This guy was one of the Geniuses who put together Obamacare, supposedly the most brilliant collection of minds in Human History. And there he was on CNN on the Morning of May 1, 2017 talking about internment camps. But I'm not supposed to talk about it.

It will be Explained in a Book published after my Death.

Oh, I was talking to Conan with the Coffee and Pie thing. But you can come.

Would you like me to buy you Coffee and Pie after Class?

Yes, Oliver Miller.

Oh, now I feel bad.

It's funnier to insult me. Haven't you ever taken any Improv Classes?

It's just an excuse not to air anything with Conan O'Brien.