
I'm waiting for Andrew McCarthy over there on the right of the screen to knock the shit out of Chris Gethard.

CNN is just stupid.

Remember when Tom Green lost custody of his Mom and Dad over that "Slutmobile" thing?

How many people are Working in this account's Writer's Room?

Oh, CNN is great. Loved that guy from the Obama Administration Monday Morning talking about people with preexisting conditions who can't afford insurance getting shipped to Trump internment camps. And nobody even said anything.

You really should do something. It pays off after a few years.

Not with the sound on. But Rosario Dawson was in it.

Just loss. A Panorama Of Loss. Huh. Wow.

Fuckin' Radiohead, man. Wow.

No. Every Movie with Rosario Dawson is worth watching at least once.

Well, yeah. Rosario Dawson is in it.

I've got it no matter what you do.

Was it the Sex Crimes Sam was ranting at us about? Or was it the same shit we've been getting screamed at around here ever since November Eighth?

I doubt if Bannon is into The Undertones though. He's a Deadhead, right?

He's washed up. I saw him Guest Hosting on "The View" and trying to be funny. It was depressing.

I dunno, I'm real burnt out from Work but I've Tuesday and Wednesday off so I'm gonna Record Ten Podcast Episodes and finish my AcidLogic.com article about The Undertones. If Kushner and Bannon want to help out I'd appreciate it. But no bickering!

No, I'm thinking of the Japanese Schoolgirls.

His dick is getting more Work than him these days.

Yeah, Johnny Kite.

Spencer is in power? Where do you get that?