
Bill O'Reilly-Stephen Colbert, Asshole-Asshole

He's full of himself. I haven't seen that much of him. He's not as funny to goof on as Glen Beck or Sean Hannitty. The most of Fox News I've seen is "Fox And Friends" with Steve Doocey. I once sent him an insulting email and he immediately wrote back. I was startled. Tucker Carlson will bomb replacing O'Reilly. He is

If they are wearing comical uniforms, yes - It feels very good indeed.

It was directed at Readers, Hoat.

This Post may not be funny but those uniforms are hilarious!

Oh, you again.

He's one of those poor bastards in LA dragging themselves from Meeting to Meeting to Meeting.

His character from "Bug" can play a burned up Book.

Rick and Michonne!

I hope they wear those funny uniforms from the Truffaut version.


What can we learn from a thoughtful comparison of the Bill O'Reilly Fox News Scandal and the David Letterman CBS Scandal?

But he's a great Rapper, man.

Maybe while they are in Chile they will EVISCERATE Tom Araya.

Every couple of months or so the Media digs up an eight or ten year old kid who can play the fuck out of a guitar or drums just like Eddie Van Halen or Jon Bonham "He's gonna be a BIG ROCK STAR!!!!" And then we never hear from them again. I guess they're are unusually bright kids and after a couple of years they catch

A year from now he'll be telling kids "No! That wasn't me! NO WAY!".

Yeah, no more "American —-" Movies. That shit is corny.

Oh, Michael Keaton. America is so excited. When is that awesome McDonalds Movie going to come out and immediately disapear? A Movie about McDonalds. Michael Keaton is a clown.

I'm not sad. I'm having a good Night.

It's unusual to get anything so loathsome from a Comic "Genius".