
This is all the Republicans and Christians fault.

You know, after reading that Comic I found myself thinking about beheading people and throwing people from the top of tall buildings. I never felt so calm, so centered . . .

"Hello Gluegun" is the Title of my HBO Show. Try to sue and your Lawyer will be the Tuna Casserole at your local High School.

"Now I can talk to GIRLS with Confidence and Ease!"

Ssssshhh, man! Be Cool!

Fuck you, man, I just sold the diagram to HBO for Ten Million Dollars

Sly April 20 Joke, dudes. Whoa!

That's the Joke, man. I don't know Chris Farley is dead and why couldn't one of his stupid brothers die instead of Eddie Murphy's Cool Brother Charlie? I'll go draw up a Diagram. I'll be right back . . .

I'm off from Work today and I knew the Black girls are bummed over this. I called em on the Phone and they were all "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU!?!" Shucks.

I saw him in a Movie and it was really really funny until it turned out to be one of those "Transformer" things. Boy, was I MIFFED!

After every gig DL Hughely rushes home to be with his hats.

Is that Pope Show a Wacky Comedy? All the Stills are funny. Does he fix a Chimney and go "BRICK AND MORTAR - WHAAAAAT!?!"

That's enough to make Tom Savini sick.

Australia? Last Night I watched an Italian Zombie Movie where they were in Africa with stock footage of KANGAROOS jumping around in Slow Motion! Those Kangaroos couldn't have been more inappropriate if they were in a Mike Epps Show! Kangaroos don't fit in nowhere!!! But Baby Kangaroos are called "Joeys" and that is

Chris Farley has all those Brothers, why can't one of them die? I bet he's sick of them.

And his Wife died, too? And they had three kids? So now Eddie Murphy will make a Comedy Movie about having to take in his Late Brother's three children in and raising them as his own - While in Real Life the kids get sent to the Orphanage. Oh, Eddie's too lazy to make that Movie, But the kids are going to the

Yeah, he was pretty Cool and Funny. But he is not in Heaven.

Death is fucked up!


He's lazy.