
Dozens of missiles but no casualties? That is not okay.

" . . . but your kids are really gonna laugh their asses off!"

I sent Paul Ryan a few Cheech And Chong DVDs. That guy has really got to get over that "Seinfeld" shit.

I caught a glimpse of "The Shield" this afternoon at the Hospital on a TV set in some Patient's Room. That Show was really good.

It will be okay.

And all Week long I was thinking "I just hope that nice HintOfBrain guy is having a good Week!" Shucks! Gosh!

Oh Wow, Tina Fey. Those Credit Card Commercials are pretty good.

You are the embodiment of Moe's Law and I'm gonna give you a knuckle sandwich!

Yay, Mr. Greene!

I don't even remember it!

Hey, Mr, Greene likes your Post! Don't get too excited, though. That twit will Up Vote anything that isn't supportive of my Little Cabaret Act.

I'm glad you live in a nice state, ed.

It's all related to the Guitar Solos on the AC/DC Records I listen to while Posting at the AV Club. When Angus hits certain Notes I hit the Shift key. It's WILD.

Oh, really now? Well, if you think you can, come on, man. That's a Ramones quote. Should I look up a Smiths quote for you?

It's all related, man. All is ONE, dig? ALL!

Man, I laughed my ass off! Newman RULES, Bro!

Great, block me because I put down Sarah Fucking Silverman. I'm really bummed out.


That's exciting.

"Navy Missiles are the best, Jerry! The BEST!"