
This is a lot funnier than when Chuck Berry died.

It's a joke about when Sarah Silverman "Tweeted" about how there should be a Military Coup to get Trump out of office. And now some idiots are giving that retard her own "Political Satire" TV Show.

It was okay until their Candidate lost the Election.

Like Obama and his Health Care Plan?

Yeah, let's put dealing with this off until Chelsea Clinton is President.

Oh, I'm sure he'd lead a Military Coup if Sarah Silverman tells him to.

I bet you tried real hard to think up a "Seinfeld" quote that would be really good for this, huh?

See, there used to be this thing in Washington DC called "Meetings". If the President wanted to get something done he would meet with guys called "Senators" and "Congressmen" and try to persuade them to support him in doing it. But Obama brought us a fresh innovative approach to Government called "Sitting In Your

I bet he'll take the call himself after one ring.

So that Chemical attack was Trump's idea? Did he fake the whole thing in a TV Studio in New Jersey?

Core Concept guy beat you to that joke. I didn't mind it coming from him cause he is a funny guy. You're just a punk.

I know that Obama should have taken care of this and he didn't. Fuck him.

Did he say the US was fine with Assad or did he say we didn't want to throw the guy out of power with military force?

I really hated when Napoleon shot the Sphinx's face off.

That's what they call Leadership!

Oh, you Core Concept guy!

Don't worry! If Trump doesn't do anything you can holler about him being weak. If he does do something you can holler about him being a War Monger and scream and yell about the Military, Genocide, etc. You'll have fun either way.

I thought I heard something outside my window. I assumed it was the little kids who spy on me every now and then. But it was too late for them, wasn't it?

No. But you do remember Obama's Bold Bold "Red Line" bit, right?

Hhhmmm . . .