
Football Team? Baseball? I don't follow that stuff. But I know when I'm being insulted.

Well, I've been busy. Terrible Week at Work. But I'm off Friday. So . . . ZZZZZZZZ . . .

She didn't say "illiterate", she said "He can't fucking read!"

He wouldn't have to if Obama could have bothered doing some Work.

I doubt if most people Love "SNL" as much as the dumb ass AV Club does.

Oh, this should be pleasant.

That's how cool Pearl Jam is.

I bet she thinks Hank Azaria is a douche.

Read this and lost complete interest in seeing the Movie.

Why don't you try finding something good on TV? Don't you have any books or Music?

Is that why the AV Club has this article? For people so stupid they don't know who Amber Heard is?

Is Conway a Show Biz whore?

Cause there's an article about this Hollywood Sleaze on the site.

Everybody as tired of this Dime A Dozen Hollywood Bimbo as I am?

People are laughing right now actually. But they're not on TV so you don't know about em.

You failed at making me feel like shit, loser!

All the Hillary voters are thinking to themselves "FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!"

It's just PRETTY!


Whoa! Good Jokes!