
It's just an insatiable search for things to throw fits over. Reformers are as terrible as criminals. Fuck em.

Killing is better than Dying.

Just Chill, Bill. Is Colbert on yet? Have a nice cup of Hot Cocoa, put on your jammies, and a have a nice Hour of SATIRE!

I don't really think Oprah is going to be President, Captain. I'm just messing with that Anton guy, OF COURSE.

Take it easy, Oprah is going to be President and the World will safe for all the Little Pixies.

Calm down, Anton.

He's too old to join the Military.

Of course I know it is a Dick Move. I was making fun of the AV Club Article about it. Because it is a Bitch Move.

How outrageous. It's like there are people out there who don't believe in the same things the AV Club does!

They don't care enough too know who played the stupid character. They're barely aware that the guy from "Bridge On The River Kwai" is in there somewhere.

"Space Cows"

Somebody make a cute joke about the GOP candidate cosplaying as Darth Vader. Tee Hee!

But . . . But . . . How does he eat STEAK!?!

Fonts, man. I could read about Fonts all Day.

Hey, man, my Post about the chick who wouldn't clap for Affleck is a huge hit!

What will they be doing a year from now? I'm sure it will be more interesting than the motherfucking Academy Awards.

I was talking about my Punk Ass Hipster Nephew here a while ago. My Sister (His Mom) likes Chris Hardwick so I gave her one of Hardwicks Books for Christmas. You should have seen his fucking face when he looked at the Book in her Hands and then at me.

A funny Book about Donald Trump? Alec Baldwin is so clever to think of Writing such a thing.

Brian Unger

"Where are those drinks?"