
Kenny is the only Nice Guy on that Show. And he was just fucking with Jerry with the Soup thing. If only we could have seen that from his perspective on "Kenny".

I'm going to put my shoes on and go check the Mail. Make a Joke about how stupid that is, Jerry.

Go Celebrity Go!

Ice Cube will come out and do fifty Spit Takes with fifty Drinks. Nothing in Life gives Ice Cube more pleasure than demonstrating his skill at the Comedy Spit Take. It's like a little kid who has just learned how to tie his Shoes.

Exactly. "That's YOUR problem!"

Yeah, I forgot. Typical Joke - His Teenage Daughter's Boyfriend says something stupid and Kattan snaps "Just because they ask you out you don't have to say 'Yes'!"

I saw Chris Kattan in a Kiddie Comedy Movie he Wrote and Stars in. It was not Good.

I just saw Casey Kasem in the 1967 Biker Movie "The Glory Stompers". Really Good Movie!

I once smoked pot with Cheetah Chrome.

I'll answer as soon as I lean over and whisper with my Advisor.

Yeah, man. He was The Old Guy Who Who Surprised Everybody With How Well He Could Dance. But they wouldn't let him do any Weed jokes, man.

You forgot Tommy Chong. You know, the really popular and successful Comedian you dumped on in a really stupid article about a Week and a half ago. Him. Yeah.

That's good. Write it down and keep it.

I think Seeso will be a Happening thing in a bit. They should do a Show where Jake Tapper shows his Homemade Editorial Cartoons.

French Fires were the ones in "Is Paris Burning?"

I just hear "My Pal Foot Foot" on the Radio!

I'm not a Steak Person. I eat Ketchup with French Fires. Unless something is wrong with that. I'll stop. I'll stop right away.

Wait and see what Litter Box he uses.

How about character that eats a Steak with Ketchup?

Eat what? A Steak? With KETCHUP? NOT ME!!!