
The Undertones just told Steve Bannon to fuck off.

I'm Up The Creek!

Dave Grohl is such a Hack he is disturbed by Noel Gallagher.

Now Little Jimmy's gone
He disappeared one day
No one saw the Ambulance
That took Little Jim away

Man, remember when we had Janitors?


It's that guy again!

Well, fuck him anyway.

Uh . . .Yeah! Sentient DVDs! Sure!

Bill Berry is DREAMY in that video

The Lenos Of Rock!

Kimmel is going to BOMB Sunday Night and retire once his ABC Contract runs out. So that's encouraging.

If the next few years are really as bad as you are screaming about feckless fun n' games might have a comeback.

The only straight white man who is entitled to complain about the bathroom is the janitor.

CHICAGO!!! is the new BENGHAZI!!!

When I was 19 my dad gave me a book that was more interesting than anything that's on Twitter.

Oh, my perfect Cousin
What I like to do he doesn't
He's his Family's Pride and Joy
His Mother's Little Golden Boy

"Company for Dinner, huh? No wonder you're using something in there besides the Microwave!"

Colbert did a Comedy Bit about something Trump did? That RASCAL!

I'm Hovering on one right now . . . WHA!!!