
Hoverboards would be a good Family name.

A lot of his Movies have not made very much "M"oney at all.

I like Key very much.

I've been thinking about "Tokyo Drifter" all day. I need to see it again. I could see that it was very good the one time I've seen it but it made me dizzy.

That's true. There are Fat Guys who are supposed to be Fat.


Jonah Hill is funny and does deserve to be compared to that fuckhead.

Bannon put on ANOTHER SHIRT while you weren't looking.

I'll throw her into the river for Five Hundred Dollars.

It's amazing this Rogen turd still gets to make Movies.

Sorry, Sir, but I am not one of the Bedpan guys. Although if I did go into a Patient's Room and there were feces anywhere I would immediately clean it up out of common decency.

Milton Berle was Fucking Great and you need to get your shit together.

Northern Ireland Politics is hazardous stuff. Rock Documentaries have become a tedious cliche but "The Story Of THE UNDERTONES" is a real pleasure.

I like when the Tokyo Drifter Sings. And the Big Comedy Fight in the Bar full of American Sailors. It's too much to taken in all at once, watch about ten minutes a day. It's THICK CHEWY stuff!

Ah, a variation on the ol' "Gomer Pyle" joke!

That's cool. I don't listen to the Deftones.

It's funny and the Leads are nice.

Hold out your arm, boy, stick out your tongue. I got some pills gonna give you some.

I thought it was Jim Gaffigan.

Directed some of the most brilliant Movies that ever irritated the shit out of me. "Tokyo Drifter", Jesus Fucking Goddammit Crap!!! A+