
At least on "The Walking Dead" they pretend to be Americans.

It's going to rain tonight.

Any interest I ever had in any kind of Business Enterprise whatsoever was killed by that Show. Was Michael Moore involved in it's Production?

She seems really nice!

They had Kelsey Grammar as a Cartoon Rat.

I still wonder about "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo".

Der der der!

Stan Brakhage AND Captain Beefheart!? Am I back in 1985? Did I just smoke a joint?

"Bar Rescue" is still on? God, what a depressing Show.

Russia is depressing. Miserable people aren't HOT unless you are one mean sack of shit.

"Just one more Video Shoot and Mama can get stump for leg."

Bannon beat em to the liquor cabinet. Now they're really pissed!

References! Wednesday Morning References! Who Wins This Morning's Prize?

FDR knew was a "Nazi" was.

Sensitive people don't jump on people for making small mistakes. The Incredible Digital Power of the Internet has corrupted your Spirit!

"I'm glad he said that before I spent all that money to have Horns surgically attached to my head!"

"The Most Handsome Man in the Liquor Store!"

Oh, Thanks!

People like Stephen Colbert and John Oliver will lay your Soul to Waste, too.

Black Label Bacon would put on a funnier TV Show.