
Sensitive people think a like. How CUTE!

US Forces wouldn't have to be in the US to face enemy troops.

When thousands of enemy troops are attacking land mines aren't such a bad idea.

Wow, glad I didn't see that until this Morning. Otherwise I would have been up all night crying.

British Sea Power!

I'm sleeping better. I have a Day Job now.

So Mushrooms grow on it and you can TRIP!!!

Admitting you don't have all the answers to life's mysteries is a very Living Biblically kind of thing.
"But how did Adam and Eve give birth to the entire Human Race?"
"I don't know."
"And how did Noah get two of each species onto the Ark?"
"Beats me!"
"How did Jesus feed all those people with two loaves of bread and a

Should have went with "Living Fight Clubally".

"atheists" "arrogant"? WHAT!?

Oh, gee, Thanks. Now I can go to sleep.

I don't know. The end of that post is kind of lame.

Bee don't text. She stands at your Front Door and screams and howls for an hour until you give her a big fuckin' piece of cake.

Well, it's the Old Testament, ain't it? That's just Back Story shit.

Maybe he should quit. The guy sucks.

But what about CONAN!?!

It fuckin' RULES!

Eric Clapton? I've heard of him. Drummer, right?

I have the "Cocaine-One Man's Seduction" one.

She's not a funny person either.