
She don't have a purty mouth.

A lot of people went with Obama instead of Hillary Clinton and a lot of people went with Trump instead of Hillary Clinton. Why the FUCK did you idiots nominate that piece of shit?

The two elections before already proved that. Obama is a hack Hollywood Script Writer's idea of "A Smart Guy".

He turned his back on America years before he was Elected. He thinks we're a bunch of hicks. Fuck him and all the assholes he will be sponging off of for the rest of his Life.

Yep, living like Royalty on someone else's dime. It's the Obama's, alright!

Are you kidding? It's February 2017 and you need a link for the Bosnian Sniper story?

Yes, Democrats, nominate Chelsea Clinton. Please. With Al Franken as her running mate. Please.

She Works for her Mom and Dad. Every one of the Clinton's real employees hate her fucking guts.


Good One, Hockey Mike!

The President is ALWAYS an asshole and anyone who supports the President is pathetic.


You're right. But it's Kanye West.

Pretty good for a moron.

A CNN link?

If you're going bring in "Crooked Hillary" - Fuck em all. Fuck em and everybody that Voted for the Pieces Of Shit.

Mid Season Premiere This Sunday Night!

Well . . . You know . . . Every Day he's gotta eat Food . . . Like a Vampire . . You know . . . Every Day . . . Has to get some Blood . . . You know, he's like a Vampire . . .

Oooohh, Tony Danza Cajun Pepper Hot Sauce!

Well, I don't have anything about the Statue Of Liberty. But we do have a CHOICE about who we accept as Citizens and who we don't.