
Maybe. I don't know. Are you Friends with him? Cause I won't make mean Jokes about him.

Another day at the AV Club. Judd Apatow, Danny McGrath, Stephen Colbert . . .

The ol' "But you posted about it" thing. Corny.

Going on the Conan Show to promote something.

I have video of Gary Shandling fawning over Leslie Mann and how beautiful she is.

Anyone who is concerned about this matter is an asshole.

Danny McBride is in it. Won't watch it.

I just DIG It, man!

Gay Guys don't Love Sonic.

No way, when Rick killed Gareth was the Best! "Four Walls And A Floor With Bloody Chunks Of Dead Cannibals" #1!!!

Give Jeff Goldblum a Lap Top and he can do anything!

You've got your Advertising Redheaded People mixed up.

I only like the Sonic Commercials with the Red Headed Guy.

Happy Super Bowl Sunday, Gotham Sucks!

When I was in New York I had a Warehouse Job with a bunch of Jamaicans. "Leave It To Beaver" was their Favorite Show and they thought Tony Dow was The Funniest Guy In The World. Their conversations were peppered with Wally-isms like "Get out outta here, ya little creep!" and "Gosh, Dad! How do I know!?!"

I'm not into this right now.

Yeah, whatever you say.

No, I don't. I was talking about what happened when Obama talked about people clinging to guns and religon.

Yeah, he went out of his way to insult a lot of people and they didn't like it. But he got to be President for eight years anyway. No problem!

You NAZI!!