
What? Those people don't exist in Reality! All those murder victims you hear about are a hoax!

Shouldn't you be Working on your next Feature for Buzzfeed?

So anyway, this CNN guy was going on and on and on over this other CNN who had just died and at the end - I couldn't believe this shit, I could not believe it - this CNN guy was going on and on and on about this other CNN guy who had just died and . . .

One time when this Reporter for CNN died this other CNN Hack did a Tribute to him and . . .


The Colonel is dead. One day he was arguing with an Business Associate in a Parking Lot where he picked up a big ass chunk of concrete, and smashed the man's knee. Permanently crippled him.

A Journalist dies and Journalists Write the same kind of stuff they Write when Movie Stars and Presidents die. Everybody just shrugs.

Another Tip - If you a Woman and you have a little boy do not make him dress up like a little girl and make him watch while you have sex with men for money.

People can't get enough of those Serial Killers. How many little kids are thinking of becoming a Serial Killer one day because of all this shit? At least one.

Was that your post? Don't feel bad.

Crazy Word Play!

Imagine Troglodytes would be a Cool Band Name.

Gamera to Hitler's Godzilla.

My Dad is more of a Bunker dude.

Tower Laboratory? Doesn't a Hunchback have enough trouble lugging cadavers in and out all day? Towers are for University Snipers and Jimmy Stewart at the end of "Vertigo".

Did you see the Big Conversation here about Napoleon and Hitler's Russian Invasions a few days ago? We really got into it. As someone pointed out then, Hitler had to delay going into Russia to help out Mussolini in Greece. Stupid Mussolini!

That's funny.

Matt LeBlanc is a Funny Guy with Lot To Offer!

"Minsk" "fritz"

Yeah, I woke up this Morning and thought I was in Minsk.