
I didn't say it was a good idea. I bet she's gonna bomb. She'a Pill.

And that was all anybody talked about for three days while Trump was doing fifty other things no one knew about. Keep your eye on the Ball, Rubes!

I don't remember any like that happening in "Magnolia"


Sometimes I pull a Big One out of my nose.

Someone did point out to them that it's Football at the Super Bowl, right? Not Women's Rugby?

If you were American I would all that horribly offensive. But since you are Canadian I can put up with it. If you were Australian I would be afraid to reply.

More people are watching her spot on Fox since she left. This is going to be funny.

"Have somebody check the Digital Suggestion Box. But sweep the floor first."

So why are you wasting my time? Go to an Improv Class or something.

Communication is what I am all about.

I can imagine the Explosive Diahrea spraying hither and yon across the Purple Plain if your President had slimed her way into the White House.

An Obama program is not a big priority with the Trump Administration.

People want to watch her and they can make a fortune selling advertising. That's all they care about. Too bad for them people are going to get tired of that sourpuss really fast.

It's kind of a drag being around a bunch of crazy people pretending to be in Germany in the Thirties.

You're okay.

That's cool. Remember that redhead in the Seattle series? She was a nice girl. I hope she's okay.

You're not dumb enough to be a typical AV Club person.

At the end he will punch a woman in the face and it will be soooooo cute!

At the end Ailes will have a Witness Stand Meltdown and be convicted of murdering Six Million Jews. And everybody at the AV Club will pretend it happened in the Real World.